Triangulation Quality Measures {#triangulation_quality-triangulation-quality-measures align=”center”}
TRIANGULATION_QUALITY is a C++ program which computes and prints
quality measures for a given triangulation of a set of points in 2D.
The triangulation is defined by a node file containing the coordinates
of nodes, and a triangle file containing sets of 3 or 6 node indices.
The quality measures computed include:
- Alpha, the minimum angle divided by the maximum possible minimum
- Area, the ratio of the minimum area to the maximum area;
- Q, the triangle shape uniformity measure, twice the radius of
the inscribed circle divided by the radius of the circumscribed
Each quality measure is defined as the minimum of its value over all the
triangles; the maximum and best possible value is 1, and the minimum and
worst possible value is 0.
Usage: {#usage align=”center”}
triangulation_quality prefix
where prefix is the common filename prefix:
- prefix_nodes.txt, the node coordinates;
- prefix_elements.txt, the triangulation.
Licensing: {#licensing align=”center”}
The computer code and data files described and made available on this
web page are distributed under the GNU LGPL
Languages: {#languages align=”center”}
TRIANGULATION_QUALITY is available in a C++
and a FORTRAN90
and a MATLAB
DISTMESH, a MATLAB library which
carries out triangular or tetrahedral mesh generation, by Per-Olof
Persson and Gilbert Strang.
MESH2D, a MATLAB library which can
automatically create a triangular mesh for a given polygonal region, by
Darren Engwirda.
a C++ program which computes quality measures of a tetrahedral mesh.
TRIANGLE is a C program which
computes a triangulation of a geometric region.
library which carries out various operations on order 3 (“linear”) or
order 6 (“quadratic”) triangulations.
a C++ program which reads files describing a set of nodes, their
triangulation, and the value of one or more quantities at each node, and
outputs a file that averages the quantities for each element. This
operation in effect creates an “order1” finite element model of the
is a directory which contains a description and examples of order 3
is a directory which contains a description and examples of order 6
Reference: {#reference align=”center”}
- Marc deBerg, Marc Krevald, Mark Overmars, Otfried Schwarzkopf,\
Computational Geometry,\
Springer, 2000,\
ISBN: 3-540-65620-0.
- David Field,\
Qualitative Measures for Initial Meshes,\
International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering,\
Volume 47, 2000, pages 887-906.
- Joseph ORourke,\
Computational Geometry,\
Second Edition,\
Cambridge, 1998,\
ISBN: 0521649765,\
LC: QA448.D38.
- Per-Olof Persson, Gilbert Strang,\
A Simple Mesh Generator in MATLAB,\
SIAM Review,\
Volume 46, Number 2, pages 329-345, June 2004.
Source Code: {#source-code align=”center”}
Examples and Tests: {#examples-and-tests align=”center”}
ELL3 is a set of nodes in an L-shaped region, which have been
arranged into an order 3 triangulation.
HEX_HOLES6 is a set of nodes in an square region, with two
hexagonal holes, which have been arranged into an order 6 triangulation.
List of Routines: {#list-of-routines align=”center”}
- MAIN is the main program for TRIANGULATION_QUALITY.
- ALPHA_MEASURE determines the triangulated pointset quality
measure ALPHA.
- ARC_COSINE computes the arc cosine function, with argument
- AREA_MEASURE determines the area ratio quality measure.
- BANDWIDTH_MESH determines the bandwidth of the coefficient
- CH_CAP capitalizes a single character.
- CH_EQI is true if two characters are equal, disregarding case.
- CH_TO_DIGIT returns the integer value of a base 10 digit.
- FILE_COLUMN_COUNT counts the columns in the first line of a
- FILE_EXIST reports whether a file exists.
- FILE_ROW_COUNT counts the number of row records in a file.
- I4_MAX returns the maximum of two I4’s.
- I4_MIN returns the minimum of two I4’s.
- I4MAT_DATA_READ reads data from an I4MAT file.
- I4MAT_HEADER_READ reads the header from an I4MAT file.
- I4MAT_TRANSPOSE_PRINT prints an I4MAT, transposed.
- I4MAT_TRANSPOSE_PRINT_SOME prints some of an I4MAT,
- Q_MEASURE determines the triangulated pointset quality
measure Q.
- R8_ABS returns the absolute value of an R8.
- R8_HUGE returns a “huge” R8.
- R8_MAX returns the maximum of two R8’s.
- R8_MIN returns the minimum of two R8’s.
- R8MAT_DATA_READ reads the data from an R8MAT file.
- R8MAT_HEADER_READ reads the header from an R8MAT file.
- R8MAT_TRANSPOSE_PRINT prints an R8MAT, transposed.
- R8MAT_TRANSPOSE_PRINT_SOME prints some of an R8MAT,
- S_LEN_TRIM returns the length of a string to the last
- S_TO_I4 reads an I4 from a string.
- S_TO_I4VEC reads an I4VEC from a string.
- S_TO_R8 reads an R8 from a string.
- S_TO_R8VEC reads an R8VEC from a string.
- S_WORD_COUNT counts the number of “words” in a string.
- TIMESTAMP prints the current YMDHMS date as a time stamp.
You can go up one level to the C++ source codes.
Last revised on 22 August 2009.