21 June 2009 12:21:05 PM

  C++ version:
  Compute triangulation quality measures.

  Compiled on Jun 21 2009 at 12:20:58.

  Read the header of "hex_holes6_nodes.txt".

  Spatial dimension DIM_NUM = 2
  Number of nodes NODE_NUM  = 511

  Read the data in "hex_holes6_nodes.txt".

  First 5 nodes:

  Row:       1             2       
    1              0        0.9444
    2              0             1
    3         0.0378        0.9659
    4         0.0378        0.9103
    5         0.0756        0.9318

 Read the header of "hex_holes6_triangles.txt".

  Triangle order TRIANGLE_ORDER = 6
  Number of triangles TRIANGLE_NUM  = 232

  Read the data in "hex_holes6_triangles.txt".

  First 10 triangles:

  Row:      1       2       3       4       5       6  

    1     294     373     354     325     352     323  
    2      60      95      86      73      81      71  
    3     373     374     428     410     412     411  
    4      95      96     136     114     116     115  
    5     239     294     242     268     269     248  
    6      36      60      42      46      47      37  
    7      96      62      91      76      74      82  
    8     374     301     361     332     330     355  
    9      96      91     135      82     100      99  
   10      91      62      66      74      61      75  

  ALPHA compares the smallest angle against 60 degrees.
  Values of ALPHA range from 0 (extremely poor) to 1 (excellent).

  ALPHA_MIN = minimum over all triangles = 0.433068
  ALPHA_AVE = average over all triangles = 0.598739
  ALPHA_AREA = average weighted by area =  0.600599

  AREA compares the areas of the triangles.
  Values of AREA_RATIO range from 0 (extremely poor) to 1 (excellent).

  AREA_MIN   = minimum area         = 0.00206444
  AREA_MAX   = maximum area         = 0.00629103
  AREA_RATIO = minimum/maximum area = 0.328157
  AREA_AVE   = average area         = 0.00408723
  AREA_STD   = standard deviation   = 0.000778069

  Q is the ratio of 2 * inradius to outradius.
  Values of Q range from 0 (extremely poor) to 1 (excellent).

  Q_MIN  = minimum Q                  = 0.618476
  Q_MAX  = maximum Q                  = 0.999975
  Q_AVE  = average Q                  = 0.952905
  Q_AREA = average Q weighted by area = 0.957931

  The geometric bandwidth          M = 167

  Normal end of execution.

21 June 2009 12:21:05 PM