WRAP\ Break Up Long Lines in a File {#wrap-break-up-long-lines-in-a-file align=”center”} =============================
WRAP is a C++ program which reads a file and makes a copy in which long lines have been broken up.
The user specifies a maximum allowable line length. Any line of text in the input file that is longer than this length is broken into two or more lines, with all but the last of these pieces being exactly the maximum length.
wrap old new wrap_length
The computer code and data files described and made available on this web page are distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
WRAP is available in a C++ version.
CR2CRLF, a C++ program which reads a text file and replaces carriage returns by carriage returns + line feeds.
CR2LF, a C++ program which reads a text file and replaces carriage returns by line feeds.
CRRM, a C++ program which reads a text file and writes a copy which has no carriage returns.
DEBLANK, a C++ program which makes a copy of a text file in which blank lines have been removed.
DECOMMENT, a C++ program which makes a copy of a text file which contains no “comment” lines (that begin with “#”).
DETROFF, a C++ program which removes from a file every occurrence of the TROFF overprint pair character+backspace, which can make a MAN page printable;
FILUM, a C++ library which performs various operations on files.
REFORMAT, a FORTRAN90 program which reads a file that contains only real values, and writes a copy which has a fixed number of real values on each line.
REWORD, a C++ program which makes a copy of a file in which each line has the same number of “words”.
UNCONTROL, a C++ program which makes a copy of a text file which contains no control characters.
WRAP2, a C++ program which wraps long lines in a text file, but which wraps some lines “early”, so as to avoid breaking words.
You can go up one level to the C++ source codes.
Last revised on 02 December 2006.