07 March 2015 11:15:14 AM

  C++ version.
  Test the TRUNCATED_NORMAL library.

  I4_UNIFORM_AB computes pseudorandom values
  in an interval [A,B].

  The lower endpoint A = -100
  The upper endpoint B = 200
  The initial seed is 123456789

         1       -35
         2       187
         3       149
         4        69
         5        25
         6       -81
         7       -23
         8       -67
         9       -87
        10        90
        11       -82
        12        35
        13        20
        14       127
        15       139
        16      -100
        17       170
        18         5
        19       -72
        20       -96

  R8_CHOOSE evaluates C(N,K).

         N         K       CNK

         0         0               1

         1         0               1
         1         1               1

         2         0               1
         2         1               2
         2         2               1

         3         0               1
         3         1               3
         3         2               3
         3         3               1

         4         0               1
         4         1               4
         4         2               6
         4         3               4
         4         4               1

         5         0               1
         5         1               5
         5         2              10
         5         3              10
         5         4               5
         5         5               1

  R8_FACTORIAL2 evaluates the double factorial function.

    N                Exact                  Computed

     0                         1                         1
     1                         1                         1
     2                         2                         2
     3                         3                         3
     4                         8                         8
     5                        15                        15
     6                        48                        48
     7                       105                       105
     8                       384                       384
     9                       945                       945
    10                      3840                      3840
    11                     10395                     10395
    12                     46080                     46080
    13                    135135                    135135
    14                    645120                    645120
    15                   2027025                   2027025

  R8_MOP evaluates (-1.0)^I4 as an R8.

    I4  R8_MOP(I4)

   -57    -1
    92     1
    66     1
    12     1
   -17    -1
   -87    -1
   -49    -1
   -78     1
   -92     1
    27    -1

  R8_UNIFORM_01 samples a uniform random distribution in [0,1].
  distributed random numbers.
  Using initial random number seed = 123456789

  First few values:

       0        0.218418
       1        0.956318
       2        0.829509
       3        0.561695
       4        0.415307
       5       0.0661187
       6        0.257578
       7        0.109957
       8        0.043829
       9        0.633966

  Number of samples was 1000
  Minimum value was 0.00183837
  Maximum value was 0.997908
  Average value was 0.50304
  Variance was      0.082332

  R8POLY_PRINT prints an R8POLY.

  The R8POLY:

  p(x) =               9 * x ^ 5
         +          0.78 * x ^ 4
         +            56 * x ^ 2
         -           3.4 * x
         +             2

  R8POLY_VALUE_HORNER evaluates a polynomial at
  one point, using Horner's method.

  The polynomial coefficients:

  p(x) =               1 * x ^ 4
         -            10 * x ^ 3
         +            35 * x ^ 2
         -            50 * x
         +            24

   I    X    P(X)

   0         0              24
   1  0.333333         10.8642
   2  0.666667         3.45679
   3         1               0
   4   1.33333       -0.987654
   5   1.66667       -0.691358
   6         2               0
   7   2.33333        0.493827
   8   2.66667        0.493827
   9         3               0
  10   3.33333       -0.691358
  11   3.66667       -0.987654
  12         4               0
  13   4.33333         3.45679
  14   4.66667         10.8642
  15         5              24

  For a R8VEC:
  R8VEC_LINSPACE_NEW: evenly spaced points between A and B;

  r8vec_linspace ( 5, 10, 20 )

         0:             10
         1:           12.5
         2:             15
         3:           17.5
         4:             20

  R8VEC_PRINT prints an R8VEC.

  The R8VEC:

         0:        123.456
         1:          5e-06
         2:         -1e+06
         3:        3.14159

  NORMAL_01_CDF evaluates the Normal 01 CDF;

       X              CDF                       CDF
                     (exact)                   (computed)

               0                       0.5                       0.5
             0.1                  0.539828                  0.539828
             0.2                   0.57926                   0.57926
             0.3                  0.617911                  0.617911
             0.4                  0.655422                  0.655422
             0.5                  0.691462                  0.691462
             0.6                  0.725747                  0.725747
             0.7                  0.758036                  0.758036
             0.8                  0.788145                  0.788145
             0.9                   0.81594                   0.81594
               1                  0.841345                  0.841345
             1.5                  0.933193                  0.933193
               2                   0.97725                   0.97725
             2.5                   0.99379                   0.99379
               3                   0.99865                   0.99865
             3.5                  0.999767                  0.999767
               4                  0.999968                  0.999968

  NORMAL_01_CDF_INV inverts the Normal 01 CDF;

      CDF             X                         X
                     (exact)                   (computed)

             0.5                         0                         0
        0.539828                       0.1                       0.1
         0.57926                       0.2                       0.2
        0.617911                       0.3                       0.3
        0.655422                       0.4                       0.4
        0.691462                       0.5                       0.5
        0.725747                       0.6                       0.6
        0.758036                       0.7                       0.7
        0.788145                       0.8                       0.8
         0.81594                       0.9                       0.9
        0.841345                         1                         1
        0.933193                       1.5                       1.5
         0.97725                         2                         2
         0.99379                       2.5                       2.5
         0.99865                         3                         3
        0.999767                       3.5                       3.5
        0.999968                         4                         4

  NORMAL_01_MEAN computes the Normal 01 mean;

  PDF mean =     0

  Sample size =     1000
  Sample mean =     0.00581875
  Sample maximum =  3.32858
  Sample minimum =  -3.02975

  NORMAL_01_MOMENT evaluates Normal 01 moments;

      Order              Moment

               0               1
               1               0
               2               1
               3               0
               4               3
               5               0
               6              15
               7               0
               8             105
               9               0
              10             945

  NORMAL_01_PDF evaluates the Normal 01 PDF;

       X              PDF

              -2        0.053991
            -1.9       0.0656158
            -1.8       0.0789502
            -1.7       0.0940491
            -1.6        0.110921
            -1.5        0.129518
            -1.4        0.149727
            -1.3        0.171369
            -1.2        0.194186
            -1.1        0.217852
              -1        0.241971
            -0.9        0.266085
            -0.8        0.289692
            -0.7        0.312254
            -0.6        0.333225
            -0.5        0.352065
            -0.4         0.36827
            -0.3        0.381388
            -0.2        0.391043
            -0.1        0.396953
               0        0.398942
             0.1        0.396953
             0.2        0.391043
             0.3        0.381388
             0.4         0.36827
             0.5        0.352065
             0.6        0.333225
             0.7        0.312254
             0.8        0.289692
             0.9        0.266085
               1        0.241971
             1.1        0.217852
             1.2        0.194186
             1.3        0.171369
             1.4        0.149727
             1.5        0.129518
             1.6        0.110921
             1.7       0.0940491
             1.8       0.0789502
             1.9       0.0656158
               2        0.053991

  NORMAL_01_SAMPLE returns samples from the normal
  distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation 1.

     1         1.67904
     2        -0.56606
     3         1.21293
     4         1.26938
     5        -1.66609
     6        -2.24246
     7       0.0396749
     8        0.673068
     9       -0.275127
    10           2.164

  NORMAL_01_VARIANCE computes the Normal 01 variance;

  PDF variance = 1

  Sample size =     1000
  Sample variance = 0.998375

  NORMAL_MS_CDF evaluates the Normal MS CDF;

  Parameter MU = 100
  Parameteter SIGMA = 15

       X              CDF

              70                 0.0227501
            71.5                 0.0287166
              73                 0.0359303
            74.5                 0.0445655
              76                 0.0547993
            77.5                 0.0668072
              79                 0.0807567
            80.5                 0.0968005
              82                   0.11507
            83.5                  0.135666
              85                  0.158655
            86.5                   0.18406
              88                  0.211855
            89.5                  0.241964
              91                  0.274253
            92.5                  0.308538
              94                  0.344578
            95.5                  0.382089
              97                   0.42074
            98.5                  0.460172
             100                       0.5
           101.5                  0.539828
             103                   0.57926
           104.5                  0.617911
             106                  0.655422
           107.5                  0.691462
             109                  0.725747
           110.5                  0.758036
             112                  0.788145
           113.5                   0.81594
             115                  0.841345
           116.5                  0.864334
             118                   0.88493
           119.5                    0.9032
             121                  0.919243
           122.5                  0.933193
             124                  0.945201
           125.5                  0.955435
             127                   0.96407
           128.5                  0.971283
             130                   0.97725

  NORMAL_MS_CDF_INV inverts the Normal MS CDF;

  Parameter MU = 100
  Parameteter SIGMA = 15

       X            CDF           CDF_INV

              70       0.0227501              70
            71.5       0.0287166            71.5
              73       0.0359303              73
            74.5       0.0445655            74.5
              76       0.0547993              76
            77.5       0.0668072            77.5
              79       0.0807567              79
            80.5       0.0968005            80.5
              82         0.11507              82
            83.5        0.135666            83.5
              85        0.158655              85
            86.5         0.18406            86.5
              88        0.211855              88
            89.5        0.241964            89.5
              91        0.274253              91
            92.5        0.308538            92.5
              94        0.344578              94
            95.5        0.382089            95.5
              97         0.42074              97
            98.5        0.460172            98.5
             100             0.5             100
           101.5        0.539828           101.5
             103         0.57926             103
           104.5        0.617911           104.5
             106        0.655422             106
           107.5        0.691462           107.5
             109        0.725747             109
           110.5        0.758036           110.5
             112        0.788145             112
           113.5         0.81594           113.5
             115        0.841345             115
           116.5        0.864334           116.5
             118         0.88493             118
           119.5          0.9032           119.5
             121        0.919243             121
           122.5        0.933193           122.5
             124        0.945201             124
           125.5        0.955435           125.5
             127         0.96407             127
           128.5        0.971283           128.5
             130         0.97725             130

  NORMAL_MS_MEAN computes the Normal MS mean.

  Parameter MU = 100
  Parameteter SIGMA = 15

  PDF mean = 100

  Sample size =     1000
  Sample mean =     100.087
  Sample maximum =  149.929
  Sample minimum =  54.5537

  NORMAL_MS_MOMENT evaluates the moments of the Normal MS distribution.

  Mu = 0  Sigma = 1
 Order  Moment

   0               1               1
   1               0               0
   2               1               1
   3               0               0
   4               3               3
   5               0               0
   6              15              15
   7               0               0
   8             105             105

  Mu = 2  Sigma = 1
 Order  Moment

   0               1               1
   1               2               2
   2               5               5
   3              14              14
   4              43              43
   5             142             142
   6             499             499
   7            1850            1850
   8            7193            7193

  Mu = 10  Sigma = 2
 Order  Moment

   0               1               1
   1              10              10
   2             104             104
   3            1120            1120
   4           12448           12448
   5          142400          142400
   6     1.67296e+06     1.67296e+06
   7     2.01472e+07     2.01472e+07
   8     2.48315e+08     2.48315e+08

  Mu = 0  Sigma = 2
 Order  Moment

   0               1               1
   1               0               0
   2               4               4
   3               0               0
   4              48              48
   5               0               0
   6             960             960
   7               0               0
   8           26880           26880

  NORMAL_MS_MOMENT_CENTRAL evaluates the central moments of the
  Normal MS distribution.

  Mu = 0  Sigma = 1
 Order  Moment

   0               1               1
   1               0               0
   2               1               1
   3               0               0
   4               3               3
   5               0               0
   6              15              15
   7               0               0
   8             105             105

  Mu = 2  Sigma = 1
 Order  Moment

   0               1               1
   1               0               0
   2               1               1
   3               0               0
   4               3               3
   5               0               0
   6              15              15
   7               0               0
   8             105             105

  Mu = 10  Sigma = 2
 Order  Moment

   0               1               1
   1               0               0
   2               4               4
   3               0               0
   4              48              48
   5               0               0
   6             960             960
   7               0               0
   8           26880           26880

  Mu = 0  Sigma = 2
 Order  Moment

   0               1               1
   1               0               0
   2               4               4
   3               0               0
   4              48              48
   5               0               0
   6             960             960
   7               0               0
   8           26880           26880

  NORMAL_MS_PDF evaluates the Normal MS PDF;

  Parameter MU = 100
  Parameteter SIGMA = 15

       X              PDF

              70                0.00272666
            71.5                0.00275243
              73                0.00277448
            74.5                0.00279308
              76                 0.0028085
            77.5                0.00282097
              79                0.00283073
            80.5                0.00283799
              82                0.00284295
            83.5                 0.0028458
              85                0.00284671
            86.5                0.00284585
              88                0.00284337
            89.5                 0.0028394
              91                0.00283408
            92.5                0.00282753
              94                0.00281985
            95.5                0.00281115
              97                0.00280153
            98.5                0.00279107
             100                0.00277985
           101.5                0.00276795
             103                0.00275543
           104.5                0.00274237
             106                0.00272881
           107.5                0.00271482
             109                0.00270043
           110.5                 0.0026857
             112                0.00267068
           113.5                0.00265538
             115                0.00263986
           116.5                0.00262415
             118                0.00260827
           119.5                0.00259226
             121                0.00257613
           122.5                0.00255991
             124                0.00254363
           125.5                0.00252729
             127                0.00251093
           128.5                0.00249456
             130                0.00247818

  NORMAL_MS_SAMPLE returns samples from the Normal MS PDF.

  Parameter MU = 100
  Parameteter SIGMA = 15

     1         125.186
     2         91.5091
     3         118.194
     4         119.041
     5         75.0087
     6          66.363
     7         100.595
     8         110.096
     9         95.8731
    10          132.46

  NORMAL_MS_VARIANCE computes the Normal MS variance;

  Parameter MU = 100
  Parameteter SIGMA = 15

  PDF variance = 225

  Sample size =     1000
  Sample variance = 224.634

  the lower Truncated Normal Cumulative Density Function.

        MU       S         A         X        CDF1           CDF2

       100        25        50        90        0.3293202045481688        0.3293202045495739
       100        25        50        92        0.3599223134505957        0.3599223134504884
       100        25        50        94        0.3913175216041539        0.3913175216012952
       100        25        50        96        0.4233210140873113        0.4233210140828035
       100        25        50        98        0.4557365629792204        0.4557365629756831
       100        25        50       100        0.4883601253415709        0.4883601253411278
       100        25        50       102        0.5209836877039214        0.5209836877065723
       100        25        50       104        0.5533992365958303        0.5533992365994519
       100        25        50       106        0.5854027290789878        0.5854027290809604
       100        25        50       108        0.6167979372325459        0.6167979372317671
       100        25        50       110        0.6474000461349729        0.6474000461326815

  the lower Truncated Normal Distribution.

  The parent normal distribution has
    mean =               100
    standard deviation = 25
  The parent distribution is truncated to
  the interval [50,+oo)

       X            CDF           CDF_INV

   0  82.03546056392796  0.2184182969792162  82.03546056367747
   1  143.0075878300667  0.9563175765092733  143.0075878301592
   2  124.1910017889437  0.829509233935064  124.1910017891749
   3  104.5154909202534  0.5616954427706908  104.5154909204897
   4  95.50207869815179  0.4153070814721543  95.50207869791485
   5  66.07091630620891  0.06611873491948256  66.07091630673978
   6  85.01611797809308  0.2575777923792841  85.01611797789074
   7  71.86448157864034  0.1099567935296942  71.86448157832004
   8  62.26181205048496  0.04382899777702298  62.26181205008615
   9  109.114869274367  0.6339657123008282  109.1148692742633

  TRUNCATED_NORMAL_A_MEAN computes the mean
  of the lower Truncated Normal Distribution.

  The parent normal distribution has
    mean =               100
    standard deviation = 25
  The parent distribution is truncated to
  the interval [50,+oo)

  PDF mean = 101.3811965669759

  Sample size =     1000
  Sample mean =     101.503886001702
  Sample maximum =  171.7819108493603
  Sample minimum =  50.80550075949013

  TRUNCATED_NORMAL_A_MOMENT evaluates the moments
  of the Lower Truncated Normal Distribution.

  Test = 0, Mu = 0, Sigma = 1, A = 0
 Order  Moment

   0               1
   1  0.7978845608028654
   2               1
   3  1.595769121605731
   4               3
   5  6.383076486422923
   6              15
   7  38.29845891853754
   8             105

  Test = 1, Mu = 0, Sigma = 1, A = -10
 Order  Moment

   0               1
   1  7.69459862670642e-23
   2               1
   3  7.848490599240547e-21
   4               3
   5  8.008538250676043e-19
   6              15
   7  8.175110921746982e-17
   8             105

  Test = 2, Mu = 0, Sigma = 1, A = 10
 Order  Moment

   0               1
   1  10.09809323416386
   2  101.9809323416386
   3  1030.005509884714
   4  10404.03603118877
   5  105100.9543811774
   6  1061829.50357233
   7  10728698.96045092
   8  108413738.8666449

  Test = 3, Mu = 0, Sigma = 2, A = -10
 Order  Moment

   0               1
   1  2.973439881809812e-06
   2  3.999970265601182
   3  0.0003211315072354596
   4  47.99666974733238
   5  0.03487250293386547
   6  959.6360509584665
   7  3.810379952222583
   8  26840.07502801896

  Test = 4, Mu = 0, Sigma = 2, A = 10
 Order  Moment

   0               1
   1  10.37300793467855
   2  107.7300793467855
   3  1120.284856945284
   4  11665.76888683998
   5  121654.6370579101
   6  1270616.171204655
   7  13292719.2240684
   8  139307332.1405159

  Test = 5, Mu = -5, Sigma = 1, A = -10
 Order  Moment

   0               1
   1  -4.999998513280059
   2  25.99997769920089
   3  -139.9997368505705
   4  777.997130630514
   5  -4449.969733355443
   6  26139.68564793569
   7  -157396.7599198702
   8  969946.7319354919

  TRUNCATED_NORMAL_A_PDF evaluates the PDF of
  the lower Truncated Normal Distribution.

        MU       S         A         X        PDF1        PDF2

       100        25        50        90       0.01507373507401876       0.01507373507403181
       100        25        50        92       0.01551417047139894       0.01551417047141238
       100        25        50        94       0.01586560931024694       0.01586560931026069
       100        25        50        96       0.01612150073158793       0.01612150073160189
       100        25        50        98       0.01627701240029317       0.01627701240030727
       100        25        50       100       0.01632918226724295        0.0163291822672571
       100        25        50       102       0.01627701240029317       0.01627701240030727
       100        25        50       104       0.01612150073158793       0.01612150073160189
       100        25        50       106       0.01586560931024694       0.01586560931026069
       100        25        50       108       0.01551417047139894       0.01551417047141238
       100        25        50       110       0.01507373507401876       0.01507373507403181

  the lower Truncated Normal Distribution.

  The parent normal distribution has
    mean =               100
    standard deviation = 25
  The parent distribution is truncated to
  the interval [50,+oo)

   0  82.03546056392796
   1  143.0075878300667
   2  124.1910017889437
   3  104.5154909202534
   4  95.50207869815179
   5  66.07091630620891
   6  85.01611797809308
   7  71.86448157864034
   8  62.26181205048496
   9  109.114869274367

  TRUNCATED_NORMAL_A_VARIANCE computes the variance
  of the lower Truncated Normal Distribution.

  The parent normal distribution has
    mean =               100
    standard deviation = 25
  The parent distribution is truncated to
  the interval [50,+oo)

  PDF variance = 554.0324676945766

  Sample size =     1000
  Sample variance = 555.6650626460602

  the Truncated Normal Cumulative Density Function.

        MU       S         A         B         X        CDF1           CDF2

       100        25        50       150        90        0.3371694242213513        0.3371694242230959
       100        25        50       150        92        0.3685009225506048        0.3685009225508293
       100        25        50       150        94        0.4006444233448185        0.4006444233422553
       100        25        50       150        96         0.433410706690304         0.433410706686082
       100        25        50       150        98        0.4665988676496338        0.4665988676464356
       100        25        50       150       100                       0.5        0.5000000000000001
       100        25        50       150       102        0.5334011323503662        0.5334011323535645
       100        25        50       150       104         0.566589293309696        0.5665892933139179
       100        25        50       150       106        0.5993555766551815        0.5993555766577449
       100        25        50       150       108        0.6314990774493952        0.6314990774491708
       100        25        50       150       110        0.6628305757786487        0.6628305757769042

  the Truncated Normal Distribution.

  The parent normal distribution has
    mean =               100
    standard deviation = 25
  The parent distribution is truncated to
  the interval [50,150]

       X            CDF           CDF_INV

   0  81.62997416083324  0.2184182969794712  81.62997416060566
   1  137.9623424219791  0.9563175765111896  137.9623424224073
   2  122.3665851392898  0.8295092339333726  122.3665851393498
   3  103.7037803533316  0.5616954427710373  103.7037803535821
   4  94.89896872307021  0.4153070814725299  94.89896872286064
   5  65.83262246613882  0.06611873491934137  65.8326224666426
   6  84.57429531004072  0.2575777923788141  84.57429530980696
   7  71.56719070938323  0.1099567935299048  71.5671907090902
   8  62.06540360199795  0.04382899777686092  62.06540360157312
   9  108.1554466200941  0.6339657123017586  108.1554466200528

  TRUNCATED_NORMAL_AB_MEAN computes the mean
  of the Truncated Normal Distribution.

  The parent normal distribution has
    mean =               100
    standard deviation = 25
  The parent distribution is truncated to
  the interval [50,150]

  PDF mean = 100

  Sample size =     1000
  Sample mean =     100.1234240569421
  Sample maximum =  149.1079402806376
  Sample minimum =  50.78732108028024

  TRUNCATED_NORMAL_AB_MOMENT evaluates the moments
  of the Truncated Normal PDF:

  Test = 0, Mu = 0, Sigma = 1, A = -1, B = 1
 Order  Moment

   0               1
   1               0
   2  0.2911250947793833
   3               0
   4  0.1645003791175332
   5               0
   6  0.1136269903670495
   7               0
   8  0.08651402734872971

  Test = 1, Mu = 0, Sigma = 1, A = 0, B = 1
 Order  Moment

   0               1
   1  0.4598622292821514
   2  0.2911250947793833
   3  0.210849553343686
   4  0.1645003791175332
   5  0.1345233081541275
   6  0.1136269903670495
   7  0.09826494370414829
   8  0.08651402734872971

  Test = 2, Mu = 0, Sigma = 1, A = -1, B = 0
 Order  Moment

   0               1
   1  -0.4598622292821514
   2  0.2911250947793833
   3  -0.210849553343686
   4  0.1645003791175332
   5  -0.1345233081541275
   6  0.1136269903670495
   7  -0.09826494370414829
   8  0.08651402734872971

  Test = 3, Mu = 0, Sigma = 2, A = -1, B = 1
 Order  Moment

   0               1
   1               0
   2  0.3223566183950748
   3               0
   4  0.1906360391359723
   5               0
   6  0.1350774011145202
   7               0
   8  0.1045238496016392

  Test = 4, Mu = 1, Sigma = 1, A = 0, B = 2
 Order  Moment

   0               1
   1               1
   2  1.291125094779383
   3  1.87337528433815
   4  2.911250947793833
   5  4.733752843381499
   6  7.948009098820798
   7  13.66652919205006
   8  23.93459894967617

  Test = 5, Mu = 0, Sigma = 1, A = 0.5, B = 2
 Order  Moment

   0               1
   1  1.042993334143991
   2  1.238116616554702
   3  1.638284875530746
   4  2.356978751216315
   5  3.607413548760741
   6  5.777949971123758
   7  9.572847783532149
   8  16.27350981024338

  Test = 6, Mu = 0, Sigma = 1, A = -2, B = 2
 Order  Moment

   0               1
   1               0
   2  0.773741303549522
   3               0
   4  1.416189124846654
   5               0
   6  3.46080648102562
   7               0
   8  9.745088794348742

  Test = 7, Mu = 0, Sigma = 1, A = -4, B = 4
 Order  Moment

   0               1
   1               0
   2  0.9989292903724738
   3               0
   4  2.979656517077002
   5               0
   6  14.62418092073831
   7               0
   8  97.98363981082095

  Test = 8, Mu = 5, Sigma = 0.5, A = 4, B = 7
 Order  Moment

   0               1
   1  5.027556351520714
   2  25.49780173838909
   3  130.4414288137665
   4  673.0749973172971
   5  3502.723962301956
   6  18382.10051962429
   7  97269.68380447358
   8  518913.3079025001

  the Truncated Normal Probability Density Function.

        MU       S         A         B         X        PDF1        PDF2

       100        25        50       150        90       0.01543301171801836       0.01543301171804573
       100        25        50       150        92       0.01588394472270638       0.01588394472273455
       100        25        50       150        94       0.01624375997031919         0.016243759970348
       100        25        50       150        96       0.01650575046469259       0.01650575046472186
       100        25        50       150        98       0.01666496869385951       0.01666496869388907
       100        25        50       150       100       0.01671838200940538       0.01671838200943504
       100        25        50       150       102       0.01666496869385951       0.01666496869388907
       100        25        50       150       104       0.01650575046469259       0.01650575046472186
       100        25        50       150       106       0.01624375997031919         0.016243759970348
       100        25        50       150       108       0.01588394472270638       0.01588394472273455
       100        25        50       150       110       0.01543301171801836       0.01543301171804573

  the Truncated Normal Distribution.

  The parent normal distribution has
    mean =               100
    standard deviation = 25
  The parent distribution is truncated to
  the interval [50,150]

   0  81.62997416083324
   1  137.9623424219791
   2  122.3665851392898
   3  103.7037803533316
   4  94.89896872307021
   5  65.83262246613882
   6  84.57429531004072
   7  71.56719070938323
   8  62.06540360199795
   9  108.1554466200941

  TRUNCATED_NORMAL_AB_VARIANCE computes the variance
  of the Truncated Normal Distribution.

  The parent normal distribution has
    mean =               100
    standard deviation = 25
  The parent distribution is truncated to
  the interval [50,150]

  PDF variance = 483.5883147184512

  Sample size =     1000
  Sample variance = 486.0644394612366

  the upper Truncated Normal Cumulative Density Function.

        MU       S         B         X        CDF1           CDF2

       100        25       150        90        0.3525999538650271        0.3525999538673185
       100        25       150        92         0.383202062767454        0.3832020627682329
       100        25       150        94        0.4145972709210122        0.4145972709190397
       100        25       150        96        0.4466007634041696         0.446600763400548
       100        25       150        98        0.4790163122960786        0.4790163122934276
       100        25       150       100        0.5116398746584291        0.5116398746588723
       100        25       150       102        0.5442634370207796        0.5442634370243169
       100        25       150       104        0.5766789859126887        0.5766789859171965
       100        25       150       106        0.6086824783958461        0.6086824783987049
       100        25       150       108        0.6400776865494043        0.6400776865495117
       100        25       150       110        0.6706797954518312        0.6706797954504261

  the upper Truncated Normal Distribution.

  The parent normal distribution has
    mean =               100
    standard deviation = 25
  The parent distribution is truncated to
  the interval (-oo,150]

       X            CDF           CDF_INV

   0  80.13724631066849  0.2184182969809693  80.13724631055038
   1  137.7662596736219  0.956317576511031  137.7662596740247
   2  122.006225594984  0.8295092339332231  122.0062255950311
   3  103.0731276291453  0.5616954427708121  103.073127629387
   4  94.04472935979294  0.4153070814735715  94.04472935964239
   5  62.07127308919195  0.06611873491384032  62.07127308876782
   6  83.2726582346192  0.257577792378394  83.27265823433953
   7  68.99561491453773  0.1099567935284338  68.99561491400434
   8  57.03177989276885  0.04382899777874047  57.03177989267051
   9  107.607013071183  0.6339657123024837  107.6070130711876

  TRUNCATED_NORMAL_B_MEAN computes the mean
  of the upper Truncated Normal Distribution.

  The parent normal distribution has
    mean =               100
    standard deviation = 25
  The parent distribution is truncated to
  the interval (-oo,150]

  PDF mean = 98.61880343302406

  Sample size =     1000
  Sample mean =     98.71007276926947
  Sample maximum =  149.0874272316052
  Sample minimum =  27.20406439929408

  For the Upper Truncated Normal PDF:
  TRUNCATED_NORMAL_B_MOMENT evaluates the moments.

  Test = 0, Mu = 0, Sigma = 1, B = 0
 Order  Moment

   0               1
   1  -0.7978845608028654
   2               1
   3  -1.595769121605731
   4               3
   5  -6.383076486422923
   6              15
   7  -38.29845891853754
   8             105

  Test = 1, Mu = 0, Sigma = 1, B = 10
 Order  Moment

   0               1
   1  -7.69459862670642e-23
   2               1
   3  -7.848490599240547e-21
   4               3
   5  -8.008538250676043e-19
   6              15
   7  -8.175110921746982e-17
   8             105

  Test = 2, Mu = 0, Sigma = 1, B = -10
 Order  Moment

   0               1
   1  -10.09809323416386
   2  101.9809323416386
   3  -1030.005509884714
   4  10404.03603118877
   5  -105100.9543811774
   6  1061829.50357233
   7  -10728698.96045092
   8  108413738.8666449

  Test = 3, Mu = 0, Sigma = 2, B = 10
 Order  Moment

   0               1
   1  -2.973439881809812e-06
   2  3.999970265601182
   3  -0.0003211315072354596
   4  47.99666974733238
   5  -0.03487250293386547
   6  959.6360509584665
   7  -3.810379952222583
   8  26840.07502801896

  Test = 4, Mu = 0, Sigma = 2, B = -10
 Order  Moment

   0               1
   1  -10.37300793467855
   2  107.7300793467855
   3  -1120.284856945284
   4  11665.76888683998
   5  -121654.6370579101
   6  1270616.171204655
   7  -13292719.2240684
   8  139307332.1405159

  Test = 5, Mu = 5, Sigma = 1, B = 10
 Order  Moment

   0               1
   1  4.999998513280059
   2  25.99997769920089
   3  139.9997368505705
   4  777.997130630514
   5  4449.969733355443
   6  26139.68564793569
   7  157396.7599198702
   8  969946.7319354919

  the upper Truncated Normal Distribution.

        MU       S         B         X        PDF1        PDF2

       100        25       150        90       0.01507373507401876       0.01507373507403181
       100        25       150        92       0.01551417047139894       0.01551417047141238
       100        25       150        94       0.01586560931024694       0.01586560931026069
       100        25       150        96       0.01612150073158793       0.01612150073160189
       100        25       150        98       0.01627701240029317       0.01627701240030727
       100        25       150       100       0.01632918226724295        0.0163291822672571
       100        25       150       102       0.01627701240029317       0.01627701240030727
       100        25       150       104       0.01612150073158793       0.01612150073160189
       100        25       150       106       0.01586560931024694       0.01586560931026069
       100        25       150       108       0.01551417047139894       0.01551417047141238
       100        25       150       110       0.01507373507401876       0.01507373507403181

  the upper Truncated Normal Distribution.

  The parent normal distribution has
    mean =               100
    standard deviation = 25
  The parent distribution is truncated to
  the interval (-oo,150]

   0  80.13724631066849
   1  137.7662596736219
   2  122.006225594984
   3  103.0731276291453
   4  94.04472935979294
   5  62.07127308919195
   6  83.2726582346192
   7  68.99561491453773
   8  57.03177989276885
   9  107.607013071183

  TRUNCATED_NORMAL_B_VARIANCE computes the variance
  of the upper Truncated Normal Distribution.

  The parent normal distribution has
    mean =               100
    standard deviation = 25
  The parent distribution is truncated to
  the interval (-oo,150]

  PDF variance = 554.0324676945766

  Sample size =     1000
  Sample variance = 560.2814763974837

  Normal end of execution.

07 March 2015 11:15:14 AM