TET_MESH_DISPLAY_OPENGL\ Display a Tet Mesh Using OpenGL {#tet_mesh_display_opengl-display-a-tet-mesh-using-opengl align=”center”} ===============================
TET_MESH_DISPLAY_OPENGL is a C++ program which reads the name of two data files defining a tetrahedral mesh (“tet mesh”), reads the data, and displays the tet mesh using OPENGL.
The files defining the tet mesh consist of one file containing the coordinates of the points, and a second file that lists the indices of the nodes making up each tetrahedron. Either 4-node or 10-node tetrahedrons may be used.
tet_mesh_display_opengl prefix
where prefix is the common file prefix:
The computer code and data files described and made available on this web page are distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
TET_MESH_DISPLAY_OPENGL is available in a C++ version.
CAUSTIC_OPENGL, a C++ program which computes a caustic curve and displays it using OpenGL.
FERN_OPENGL, a C++ program which uses OpenGL to display the Barnsley fractal fern.
FLOOD_OPENGL, a C program which allows a user to select a region and flood it with color, using OpenGL, by Art Wetzel.
LIFE_OPENGL, a C program which simulates a version of John Conway’s “Game of Life”, displaying the results using OpenGL.
LIGHTS_OUT_OPENGL, a C++ program which sets up a “Lights Out” game and allows the user to solve it, using the OpenGL graphics window.
LISSAJOUS_OPENGL, a C++ program which computes a Lissajous figure and displays it using OpenGL.
OPENGL, C++ programs which illustrate the use of the OpenGL graphics library;
POLYGONAL_SURFACE_DISPLAY_OPENGL, a C++ program which displays a surface in 3D described as a set of polygons, using OpenGL.
ROTATING_CUBE_DISPLAY_OPENGL, a C++ program which displays a rotating color cube in 3D, using OpenGL;
SPHERE_XYZ_DISPLAY_OPENGL, a C++ program which reads XYZ information defining points in 3D, and displays a unit sphere and the points, using OpenGL.
TET_MESH_DISPLAY, a MATLAB program which reads a tet mesh and displays the nodes and edges using the MATLAB graphical window.
TET_MESH_ORDER4, a data directory which contains a description and examples of a tet mesh using order 4 elements.
TET_MESH_ORDER10, a directory which contains a description and examples of a tet mesh using order 10 elements.
XY_DISPLAY_OPENGL, a C++ program which reads an XY file of 2D point coordinates, and displays an image of those points using OpenGL.
XYL_DISPLAY_OPENGL, a C++ program which reads XYL information defining points and lines in 2D, and displays an image using OpenGL.
XYZ_DISPLAY_OPENGL, a C++ program which reads an XYZ file of 3D point coordinates, and displays an image of those points using OpenGL.
CUBE_ORDER4 is a cube-shaped region, which may be meshed by order-4 tetrahedrons.
cube_order4_output.txt, the printed output in response to the command:
tet_mesh_display_opengl cube_order4
TWENTY_ORDER4 is a region formed by 20 random nodes.
twenty_order4_output.txt, the printed output in response to the command:
tet_mesh_display_opengl twenty_order4
CUBE_ORDER10 is a cube-shaped region, which may be meshed by order-10 tetrahedrons.
cube_order10_output.txt, the printed output in response to the command:
tet_mesh_display_opengl cube_order10
ONEONEEIGHT_ORDER10 is a region formed by the refinement of 20 random nodes to 118 nodes (by adding the midside nodes.)
oneoneeight_order10_output.txt, the printed output in response to the command:
tet_mesh_display_opengl oneoneeight_order10
You can go up one level to the C++ source codes.
Last revised on 13 August 2009.