Sample Function Values {#test_values-sample-function-values align=”center”}
TEST_VALUES is a C++ library which stores a few selected values of
various mathematical functions.
The intent of TEST_VALUES is to provide a means of making very simple
tests for correctness of software designed to compute a variety of
functions. The testing can be done automatically. The data provided is
generally skimpy, and might not test the algorithm over a suitably wide
range. It does, however, provide a small amount of reassurance that a
given computation is (or is not) computing the appropriate quantity, and
doing so reasonably accurately.
Licensing: {#licensing align=”center”}
The computer code and data files described and made available on this
web page are distributed under the GNU LGPL
Languages: {#languages align=”center”}
TEST_VALUES is available in a C
version and a C++
version and a FORTRAN90
version and a MATLAB
version and a Python
CORDIC, a C++ library which uses the
CORDIC method to compute certain elementary functions.
FN, a C++ library which contains routines by
Wayne Fullerton for evaluating elementary and special functions.
GSL, a C++ library which includes routines
that evaluate many special functions.
a C++ library which evaluates the Legendre polynomial and associated
a C++ library which evaluates Lobatto polynomials, similar to Legendre
polynomials except that they are zero at both endpoints.
POLPAK, a C++ library which computes
various mathematical functions; test values for many of these functions
are available in TEST_VALUES.
PROB, a C++ library which computes
various statistical functions; test values for many of these functions
are available in TEST_VALUES.
Reference: {#reference align=”center”}
- Milton Abramowitz, Irene Stegun,\
Handbook of Mathematical Functions,\
National Bureau of Standards, 1964,\
ISBN: 0-486-61272-4,\
LC: QA47.A34.
- Robert Corless, Gaston Gonnet, David Hare, David Jeffrey, Donald
On the Lambert W Function,\
Advances in Computational Mathematics,\
Volume 5, 1996, pages 329-359.
- Gerard Cornuejols, Regina Urbaniak, Robert Weismantel, Laurence
Decomposition of Integer Programs and of Generating Sets,\
in Algorithms - ESA ‘97,\
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1284,\
edited by R Burkard, G Woeginger,\
Springer, 1997, pages 92-103,\
LC: QA76.9.A43.E83.
- Marc Deleglise, Joel Rivat,\
Computing the Summation of the Moebius Function,\
Experimental Mathematics,\
Volume 5, 1996, pages 291-295.
- Lester Haar, John Gallagher, George Kell,\
NBS/NRC Steam Tables:\
Thermodynamic and Transport Properties and Computer Programs for
Vapor and Liquid States of Water in SI Units,\
Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, Washington, 1984,\
ISBN: 0-89116-353-0,\
LC: TJ270.H3.
- Brian Hayes,\
“Why W?”,\
The American Scientist,\
Volume 93, March-April 2005, pages 104-108.
- Kanti Mardia, Peter Jupp,\
Directional Statistics,\
Wiley, 2000,\
ISBN: 0471953334,\
LC: QA276.M335
- Allan McLeod,\
Algorithm 757: MISCFUN: A software package to compute uncommon
special functions,\
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software,\
Volume 22, Number 3, September 1996, pages 288-301.
- National Bureau of Standards,\
Tables of the Bivariate Normal Distribution and Related Functions,\
Applied Mathematics Series, Number 50, 1959.
- Robert Owens,\
An Algorithm to Solve the Frobenius Problem,\
Mathematics Magazine,\
Volume 76, Number 4, October 2003, 264-275.
- Karl Pearson,\
Tables of the Incomplete Beta Function,\
Cambridge University Press, 1968,\
ISBN: 0521059224,\
LC: QA351.P38.
- Frank Powell,\
Statistical Tables for Sociology, Biology and Physical Sciences,\
Cambridge University Press, 1982,\
ISBN: 0521284732,\
LC: QA276.25.S73.
- Edward Reingold, Nachum Dershowitz,\
Calendrical Calculations: The Millennium Edition,\
Cambridge University Press, 2001,\
ISBN: 0-521-77752-6,\
LC: CE12.R45.
- Johannes van der Corput,\
Proc Akad Amsterdam,\
Volume 38, 1935,\
Volume 39, 1936.
- Eric Weisstein,\
CRC Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics,\
CRC Press, 2002,\
Second edition,\
ISBN: 1584883472,\
LC: QA5.W45
- Stephen Wolfram,\
The Mathematica Book,\
Fourth Edition,\
Cambridge University Press, 1999,\
ISBN: 0-521-64314-7,\
LC: QA76.95.W65.
- Shanjie Zhang, Jianming Jin,\
Computation of Special Functions,\
Wiley, 1996,\
ISBN: 0-471-11963-6,\
LC: QA351.C45.
- Daniel Zwillinger, editor,\
CRC Standard Mathematical Tables and Formulae,\
30th Edition,\
CRC Press, 1996,\
ISBN: 0-8493-2479-3,\
LC: QA47.M315.
- Daniel Zwillinger, Steven Kokoska,\
Standard Probability and Statistical Tables,\
CRC Press, 2000,\
ISBN: 1-58488-059-7,\
LC: QA273.3.Z95.
Source Code: {#source-code align=”center”}
Examples and Tests: {#examples-and-tests align=”center”}
List of Routines: {#list-of-routines align=”center”}
- ABRAM0_VALUES returns some values of the Abramowitz0 function.
- ABRAM1_VALUES returns some values of the Abramowitz1 function.
- ABRAM2_VALUES returns some values of the Abramowitz2 function.
- AGM_VALUES returns some values of the AGM.
- AIRY_AI_VALUES returns some values of the Airy Ai(x) function.
- AIRY_AI_INT_VALUES returns some values of the integral of the
Airy function.
- AIRY_AI_PRIME_VALUES returns some values of the Airy function
- AIRY_BI_VALUES returns some values of the Airy Bi(x) function.
- AIRY_BI_INT_VALUES returns some values of the integral of the
Airy function.
- AIRY_BI_PRIME_VALUES returns some values of the Airy function
- AIRY_CAI_VALUES returns some values of the Airy Ai(x) for
complex argument.
- AIRY_CBI_VALUES returns some values of the Airy Bi(x) for
complex argument.
- AIRY_GI_VALUES returns some values of the Airy Gi function.
- AIRY_HI_VALUES returns some values of the Airy Hi function.
- ARCCOS_VALUES returns some values of the arc cosine function.
- ARCCOSH_VALUES returns some values of the hyperbolic arc cosine
- ARCSIN_VALUES returns some values of the arc sine function.
- ARCSINH_VALUES returns some values of the hyperbolic arc sine
- ARCTAN_VALUES returns some values of the arc tangent function.
- ARCTAN_INT_VALUES returns some values of the inverse tangent
- ARCTAN2_VALUES: arc tangent function of two arguments.
- ARCTANH_VALUES returns some values of the hyperbolic arc
tangent function.
- BEI0_VALUES returns some values of the Kelvin BEI function of
order NU = 0.
- BEI1_VALUES returns some values of the Kelvin BEI function of
order NU = 1.
- BELL_VALUES returns some values of the Bell numbers.
- BER0_VALUES returns some values of the Kelvin BER function of
order NU = 0.
- BER1_VALUES returns some values of the Kelvin BER function of
order NU = 1.
- BERNOULLI_NUMBER_VALUES returns some values of the Bernoulli
- BERNOULLI_POLY_VALUES returns some values of the Bernoulli
- BERNSTEIN_POLY_01_VALUES returns some values of the Bernstein
- BESSEL_I0_INT_VALUES returns some values of the Bessel I0
- BESSEL_I0_SPHERICAL_VALUES returns some values of the
Spherical Bessel function i0.
- BESSEL_I0_VALUES returns some values of the I0 Bessel
- BESSEL_I1_SPHERICAL_VALUES returns some values of the
Spherical Bessel function i1.
- BESSEL_I1_VALUES returns some values of the I1 Bessel
- BESSEL_IN_VALUES returns some values of the In Bessel
- BESSEL_IX_VALUES returns some values of the Ix Bessel
- BESSEL_J0_INT_VALUES returns some values of the Bessel J0
- BESSEL_J0_SPHERICAL_VALUES returns some values of the
Spherical Bessel function j0.
- BESSEL_J0_VALUES returns some values of the J0 Bessel
- BESSEL_J1_SPHERICAL_VALUES returns some values of the
Spherical Bessel function j1.
- BESSEL_J1_VALUES returns some values of the J1 Bessel
- BESSEL_JN_VALUES returns some values of the Jn Bessel
- BESSEL_JX_VALUES returns some values of the Jx Bessel
- BESSEL_K0_VALUES returns some values of the K0 Bessel
- BESSEL_K0_INT_VALUES returns some values of the Bessel K0
- BESSEL_K1_VALUES returns some values of the K1 Bessel
- BESSEL_KN_VALUES returns some values of the Kn Bessel
- BESSEL_KX_VALUES returns some values of the Kx Bessel
- BESSEL_Y0_VALUES returns some values of the Y0 Bessel
- BESSEL_Y0_INT_VALUES returns some values of the Bessel Y0
- BESSEL_Y0_SPHERICAL_VALUES returns some values of the
Spherical Bessel function y0.
- BESSEL_Y1_VALUES returns some values of the Y1 Bessel
- BESSEL_Y1_SPHERICAL_VALUES returns some values of the
Spherical Bessel function y1.
- BESSEL_YN_VALUES returns some values of the Yn Bessel
- BESSEL_YX_VALUES returns some values of the Yx Bessel
- BETA_CDF_VALUES returns some values of the Beta CDF.
- BETA_INC_VALUES returns some values of the incomplete Beta
- BETA_LOG_VALUES returns some values of the logarithm of the
Beta function.
- BETA_NONCENTRAL_CDF_VALUES returns some values of the
noncentral Beta CDF.
- BETA_VALUES returns some values of the Beta function.
- BINOMIAL_VALUES returns some values of the binomial
- BINOMIAL_CDF_VALUES returns some values of the binomial CDF.
- BINOMIAL_PDF_VALUES returns some values of the binomial PDF.
- BIVARIATE_NORMAL_CDF_VALUES returns some values of the
bivariate normal CDF.
- CATALAN_VALUES returns some values of the Catalan numbers.
- CAUCHY_CDF_VALUES returns some values of the Cauchy CDF.
- CBRT_VALUES returns some values of the cube root function.
- CHEBY_T_POLY_VALUES returns values of Chebyshev polynomials
- CHEBY_T01_POLY_VALUES: values of shifted Chebyshev
polynomials T01(n,x).
- CHEBY_U_POLY_VALUES returns values of Chebyshev polynomials
- CHEBY_U01_POLY_VALUES: values of shifted Chebyshev
polynomials U01(n,x).
- CHEBY_V_POLY_VALUES returns values of Chebyshev polynomials
- CHEBY_V01_POLY_VALUES: values of shifted Chebyshev
polynomials V01(n,x).
- CHEBY_W_POLY_VALUES returns values of Chebyshev polynomials
- CHEBY_W01_POLY_VALUES: values of shifted Chebyshev
polynomials W01(n,x).
- CHI_VALUES returns some values of the hyperbolic cosine
integral function.
- CHI_SQUARE_CDF_VALUES returns some values of the Chi-Square
- CHI_SQUARE_NONCENTRAL_CDF_VALUES returns values of the
noncentral chi CDF.
- CI_VALUES returns some values of the cosine integral function.
- CIN_VALUES returns some values of the alternate cosine integral
- CINH_VALUES returns some values of the alternate hyperbolic
cosine integral.
- CLAUSEN_VALUES returns some values of the Clausen’s integral.
- CLEBSCH_GORDAN_VALUES returns some values of the
Clebsch-Gordan function.
- COLLATZ_COUNT_VALUES returns some values of the Collatz count
- COS_VALUES returns some values of the cosine function.
- COS_DEGREE_VALUES: values of the cosine function for degree
- COS_POWER_INT_VALUES returns some values of the sine power
- COSH_VALUES returns some values of the hyperbolic cosine
- COT_VALUES returns some values of the cotangent function.
- CP_VALUES returns some values of the specific heat at constant
- DAWSON_VALUES returns some values of Dawson’s integral.
- DEBYE1_VALUES returns some values of Debye’s function of
order 1.
- DEBYE2_VALUES returns some values of Debye’s function of
order 2.
- DEBYE3_VALUES returns some values of Debye’s function of
order 3.
- DEBYE4_VALUES returns some values of Debye’s function of
order 4.
- DIELECTRIC_VALUES returns some values of the static dielectric
- DEDEKIND_SUM_VALUES returns some values of the Dedekind sum.
- DILOGARITHM_VALUES returns some values of the dilogarithm
- E1_VALUES returns some values of the exponential integral
function E1(X).
- EI_VALUES returns some values of the exponential integral
function EI(X).
- ELLIPTIC_EA_VALUES returns values of the complete elliptic
integral E(ALPHA).
- ELLIPTIC_EM_VALUES returns values of the complete elliptic
integral E(M).
- ELLIPTIC_KA_VALUES returns values of the complete elliptic
integral K(ALPHA).
- ELLIPTIC_KM_VALUES returns values of the complete elliptic
integral K(M).
- ERF_VALUES returns some values of the ERF or “error” function.
- ERFC_VALUES returns some values of the ERFC or “complementary
error” function.
- EULER_NUMBER_VALUES returns some values of the Euler numbers.
- EULER_POLY_VALUES returns some values of the Euler
- EXP_VALUES returns some values of the exponential function.
- EXP3_INT_VALUES returns some values of the EXP3 integral
- EXPONENTIAL_CDF_VALUES returns some values of the Exponential
- EXTREME_VALUES_CDF_VALUES returns some values of the Extreme
Values CDF.
- F_CDF_VALUES returns some values of the F CDF test function.
- F_NONCENTRAL_CDF_VALUES returns some values of the F CDF test
- FRESNEL_COS_VALUES returns values of the Fresnel cosine
integral function.
- FRESNEL_SIN_VALUES returns some values of the Fresnel sine
integral function.
- FROBENIUS_NUMBER_DATA_VALUES returns data for the Frobenius
- FROBENIUS_NUMBER_ORDER_VALUES returns orders of the Frobenius
- FROBENIUS_NUMBER_ORDER2_VALUES returns values of the order 2
Frobenius number.
- GAMMA_VALUES returns some values of the Gamma function.
- GAMMA_CDF_VALUES returns some values of the Gamma CDF.
- GAMMA_INC_P_VALUES: values of normalized incomplete Gamma
function P(A,X).
- GAMMA_INC_Q_VALUES: values of normalized incomplete Gamma
function Q(A,X).
- GAMMA_INC_TRICOMI_VALUES: values of Tricomi’s incomplete
Gamma function.
- GAMMA_INC_VALUES returns some values of the incomplete Gamma
- GAMMA_LOG_VALUES returns some values of the Log Gamma
- GEGENBAUER_POLY_VALUES returns some values of the Gegenbauer
- GEOMETRIC_CDF_VALUES returns values of the geometric CDF.
- GOODWIN_VALUES returns some values of the Goodwin and Staton
- GUD_VALUES returns some values of the Gudermannian function.
- HERMITE_FUNCTION_VALUES returns some values of the Hermite
- HERMITE_POLY_PHYS_VALUES returns some values of the
physicist’s Hermite polynomial.
- HERMITE_POLY_PROB_VALUES: values of the probabilist’s Hermite
- HYPER_1F1_VALUES returns some values of the hypergeometric
function 1F1.
- HYPER_2F1_VALUES returns some values of the hypergeometric
function 2F1.
- HYPERGEOMETRIC_CDF_VALUES returns some values of the
hypergeometric CDF.
- HYPERGEOMETRIC_PDF_VALUES returns some values of the
hypergeometric PDF.
- HYPERGEOMETRIC_U_VALUES: some values of the hypergeometric
function U(a,b,x).
- I0ML0_VALUES returns some values of the I0ML0 function.
- I1ML1_VALUES returns some values of the I1ML1 function.
- I4_FACTORIAL_VALUES returns values of the factorial function.
- I4_FACTORIAL2_VALUES returns values of the double factorial
- I4_FALL_VALUES returns values of the integer falling factorial
- I4_RISE_VALUES returns values of the integer rising factorial
- INT_VALUES returns some values of the “integer part” function.
- JACOBI_CN_VALUES returns some values of the Jacobi elliptic
function CN(A,X).
- JACOBI_DN_VALUES returns some values of the Jacobi elliptic
function DN(A,X).
- JACOBI_POLY_VALUES returns some values of the Jacobi
- JACOBI_SN_VALUES returns some values of the Jacobi elliptic
function SN(A,X).
- JED_CE_VALUES returns the Common Era dates for Julian
Ephemeris Dates.
- JED_MJD_VALUES returns the MJD for Julian Ephemeris Dates.
- JED_RD_VALUES returns the RD for Julian Ephemeris Dates.
- JED_WEEKDAY_VALUES returns the day of the week for Julian
Ephemeris Dates.
- KEI0_VALUES returns some values of the Kelvin KEI function of
order NU = 0.
- KEI1_VALUES returns some values of the Kelvin KEI function of
order NU = 1.
- KER0_VALUES returns some values of the Kelvin KER function of
order NU = 0.
- KER1_VALUES returns some values of the Kelvin KER function of
order NU = 1.
- LAGUERRE_ASSOCIATED_VALUES returns some values of the
associated Laguerre polynomials.
- LAGUERRE_GENERAL_VALUES returns some values of the generalized
Laguerre function.
- LAGUERRE_POLYNOMIAL_VALUES returns some values of the Laguerre
- LAMBERT_W_VALUES returns some values of the Lambert W
- LAPLACE_CDF_VALUES returns some values of the Laplace CDF.
- LEGENDRE_ASSOCIATED_VALUES returns values of associated
Legendre functions.
associated Legendre.
- LEGENDRE_FUNCTION_Q_VALUES returns values of the Legendre Q
- LEGENDRE_POLY_VALUES returns values of the Legendre
- LOBATTO_POLYNOMIAL_VALUES returns values of the completed
Lobatto polynomials.
- LOBATTO_POLYNOMIAL_DERIVATIVES: derivatives of the completed
Lobatto polynomials.
- LERCH_VALUES returns some values of the Lerch transcendent
- LINEAR_SYSTEM_VALUES returns some linear systems.
- LOBACHEVSKY_VALUES returns some values of the Lobachevsky
- LOG_VALUES returns some values of the natural logarithm
- LOG_NORMAL_CDF_VALUES returns some values of the Log Normal
- LOG_SERIES_CDF_VALUES returns some values of the log series
- LOG10_VALUES returns some values of the logarithm base 10
- LOGARITHMIC_INTEGRAL_VALUES returns values of the logarithmic
integral LI(X).
- LOGISTIC_CDF_VALUES returns some values of the Logistic CDF.
- MERTENS_VALUES returns some values of the Mertens function.
- MOEBIUS_VALUES returns some values of the Moebius function.
- NEGATIVE_BINOMIAL_CDF_VALUES returns values of the negative
binomial CDF.
- NINE_J_VALUES returns some values of the Wigner 9J function.
- NORMAL_01_CDF_VALUES returns some values of the Normal 01
- NORMAL_CDF_VALUES returns some values of the Normal CDF.
- NORMAL_PDF_VALUES returns some values of the Normal PDF.
- OMEGA_VALUES returns some values of the OMEGA function.
- OWEN_VALUES returns some values of Owen’s T function.
- PARTITION_COUNT_VALUES returns some values of the int
*partition count.
- PARTITION_DISTINCT_COUNT_VALUES returns some values of Q(N).
- PHI_VALUES returns some values of the PHI function.
- PI_VALUES returns values of the Pi function.
- POISSON_CDF_VALUES returns some values of the Poisson CDF.
- POLYLOGARITHM_VALUES returns some values of the polylogarithm.
- PRANDTL_VALUES returns some values of the Prandtl number.
- PRIME_VALUES returns values of the prime function.
- PSAT_VALUES returns some values of the saturation pressure.
- PSI_VALUES returns some values of the Psi or Digamma function.
- R8_FACTORIAL_VALUES returns values of the real factorial
- R8_FACTORIAL_LOG_VALUES returns values of log(n!).
- R8_FACTORIAL2_VALUES returns values of the double factorial
- R8_FALL_VALUES returns some values of the falling factorial
- R8_RISE_VALUES returns some values of the rising factorial
- RAYLEIGH_CDF_VALUES returns some values of the Rayleigh CDF.
- SECVIR_VALUES returns some values of the second virial
- SHI_VALUES returns some values of the hyperbolic sine integral
- SI_VALUES returns some values of the sine integral function.
- SIGMA_VALUES returns some values of the Sigma function.
- SIN_VALUES returns some values of the sine function.
- SIN_DEGREE_VALUES: the sine function with argument in degrees.
- SIN_POWER_INT_VALUES returns some values of the sine power
- SINH_VALUES returns some values of the hyperbolic sine
- SIX_J_VALUES returns some values of the Wigner 6J function.
- SOUND_VALUES returns some values of the speed of sound.
- SPHERE_UNIT_AREA_VALUES returns some areas of the unit sphere
in ND.
- SPHERE_UNIT_VOLUME_VALUES returns some volumes of the unit
sphere in ND.
- SPHERICAL_HARMONIC_VALUES returns values of spherical harmonic
- SQRT_VALUES returns some values of the square root function.
- STIRLING1_VALUES returns some values of the Stirling numbers,
kind 1.
- STIRLING2_VALUES returns some values of the Stirling numbers,
kind 2.
- STROMGEN_VALUES returns some values of the Stromgen function.
- STRUVE_H0_VALUES returns some values of the Struve H0
- STRUVE_H1_VALUES returns some values of the Struve H1
- STRUVE_L0_VALUES returns some values of the Struve L0
- STRUVE_L1_VALUES returns some values of the Struve L1
- STUDENT_CDF_VALUES returns some values of the Student CDF.
- STUDENT_NONCENTRAL_CDF_VALUES returns values of the
noncentral Student CDF.
- SUBFACTORIAL_VALUES returns values of the subfactorial
- SURTEN_VALUES returns some values of the surface tension.
- SYNCH1_VALUES returns some values of the synchrotron radiation
- SYNCH2_VALUES returns some values of the synchrotron radiation
- TAN_VALUES returns some values of the tangent function.
- TANH_VALUES returns some values of the hyperbolic tangent
- TAU_VALUES returns some values of the Tau function.
- THERCON_VALUES returns some values of the thermal conductivity.
- THREE_J_VALUES returns some values of the Wigner 3J function.
- TIMESTAMP prints the current YMDHMS date as a time stamp.
- TRAN02_VALUES returns some values of the order 2 transportation
- TRAN03_VALUES returns some values of the order 3 transportation
- TRAN04_VALUES returns some values of the order 4 transportation
- TRAN05_VALUES returns some values of the order 5 transportation
- TRAN06_VALUES returns some values of the order 6 transportation
- TRAN07_VALUES returns some values of the order 7 transportation
- TRAN08_VALUES returns some values of the order 8 transportation
- TRAN09_VALUES returns some values of the order 9 transportation
- TRIGAMMA_VALUES returns some values of the TriGamma function.
- TRUNCATED_NORMAL_AB_CDF_VALUES: values of the Truncated
Normal CDF.
- TRUNCATED_NORMAL_AB_PDF_VALUES: values of the Truncated
Normal PDF.
- TRUNCATED_NORMAL_A_CDF_VALUES: values of the Lower Truncated
Normal CDF.
- TRUNCATED_NORMAL_A_PDF_VALUES: values of the Lower Truncated
Normal PDF.
- TRUNCATED_NORMAL_B_CDF_VALUES: values of the upper Truncated
Normal CDF.
- TRUNCATED_NORMAL_B_PDF_VALUES: values of the Upper Truncated
Normal PDF.
- TSAT_VALUES returns some values of the saturation temperature.
- VAN_DER_CORPUT_VALUES returns some values of the van der
Corput sequence.
- VISCOSITY_VALUES returns some values of the viscosity function.
- VON_MISES_CDF_VALUES returns some values of the von Mises
- WEEKDAY_VALUES returns the day of the week for various dates.
- WEIBULL_CDF_VALUES returns some values of the Weibull CDF.
- ZETA_VALUES returns some values of the Riemann Zeta function.
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Last revised on 27 July 2015.