23 June 2005 04:46:51 PM

TABLE_QUALITY (C++ version):
  Compute measures of uniform dispersion for a pointset.

  Compiled on Jun 23 2005 at 16:45:14.

  Note: this routine assumes that the input pointset
  is contained in the unit hypercube.  If this is not
  the case, then you must rewrite the routine
  so that it properly returns sample points in your
  region, with a uniform density, or a probability
  density of your choosing.

  Triangulated data generates 233 triangles.

  Measures of uniform point dispersion.

  The pointset was read from "degen_02_00130.txt".
  The sample routine will be SAMPLE_HYPERCUBE_UNIFORM.

  Spatial dimension DIM_NUM =      2
  The number of points N =         130
  The number of sample points NS = 100000
  The random number SEED_INIT =    123456789

  The minimum angle measure    ALPHA = 0
  The regularity measure         Chi = 7.94406
  2nd moment determinant measure   D = 4.35832e-08
  The Voronoi energy measure       E = 0.00149741
  The mesh ratio               Gamma = 6.55522
  The point distribution norm      H = 0.0705486
  The COV measure             Lambda = 0.156217
  The point distribution ratio    Mu = 1.38611
  The cell volume deviation       Nu = 34.7097
  The triangle uniformity measure  Q = 0
  The Riesz S = 0 energy measure  R0 = 0.703656
  2nd moment trace measure       Tau = 0.00104408

  Normal end of execution.

23 June 2005 04:47:10 PM