
R83P\ Tridiagonal Periodic Matrix Utilities {#r83p-tridiagonal-periodic-matrix-utilities align=”center”} =====================================

R83P is a C++ library which carries out some basic linear algebra operations on R83P matrices (real 64 bit precision tridiagonal periodic format).

Licensing: {#licensing align=”center”}

The computer code and data files made available on this web page are distributed under the GNU LGPL license.

Languages: {#languages align=”center”}

R83P is available in a C version and a C++ version and a FORTRAN90 version and a MATLAB version and a Python version.

R83, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R83 matrices (real, 64 bit, tridiagonal 3xN format).

R83_NP, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R83_NP matrices (real, 64 bit, tridiagonal 3xN format, nonpivoting factorization).

R83S, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R83S matrices (real, 64 bit, tridiagonal scalar format).

R83T, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R83T matrices (real, 64 bit, tridiagonal Mx3 format).

R83V, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R83V matrices (real, 64 bit, tridiagonal three vector format).

R85, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R85 matrices (real, 64 bit, pentadiagonal format).

R8BB, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R8BB matrices (real, 64 bit, border banded format).

R8BLT, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R8BLT matrices (real, 64 bit, band lower triangular format).

R8BTO, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R8BTO matrices (real, 64 bit, block Toeplitz format).

R8BUT, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R8BUT matrices (real, 64 bit, band upper triangular format).

R8CB, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R8CB matrices (real, 64 bit, Compressed Band format).

R8CBB, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R8CBB matrices (real, 64 bit, Compressed Border Banded format).

R8CC, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R8CC matrices (real, 64 bit, Compressed Column (Colptr,Row,Value) format).

R8CI, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R8CI matrices (real, 64 bit, circulant format).

R8COL, a C++ library which contains utility routines for R8COL’s, that is, double precision real MxN arrays, considered as N column vectors, each of length M. The data may be thought of as a matrix of multiple columns, and many operations will be carried out columnwise.

R8GB, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R8GB matrices (real, 64 bit, General Banded format).

R8GD, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R8GD matrices (real, 64 bit, general diagonal format).

R8GE, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R8GE matrices (real, 64 bit, General format).

R8GE_NP, a C++ library which contains nonpivoting linear algebra routines for R8GE_NP matrices (real, 64 bit, General Nonpivoting format).

R8LT, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R8UT matrices (real, 64 bit, lower triangular format).

R8LTT, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R8LTT matrices (real, 64 bit, lower triangular Toeplitz format).

R8NCF, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R8NCF matrices (real, 64 bit, nonsymmetric coordinate format).

R8PBL, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R8PBL matrices (real, 64 bit, positive definite symmetric band lower format).

R8PBU, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R8PBU matrices (real, 64 bit, positive definite symmetric band upper format).

R8PO, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R8PO matrices (real, 64 bit, positive definite symmetric format).

R8PP, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R8PP matrices (real, 64 bit, positive definite symmetric packed format).

R8RI, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R8RI matrices (real, 64 bit, row indexed format).

R8ROW, a C++ library which contains utility routines for R8ROW’s, that is, double precision real MxN arrays, considered as M row vectors, each of length N. The data may be thought of as a matrix of multiple rows, and many operations will be carried out rowwise.

R8S3, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R8S3 matrices (real, 64 bit, SLAP Triad (I,J,AIJ) format).

R8SD, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R8SD matrices (real, 64 bit, symmetric diagonal format).

R8SM, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R8SM (Sherman-Morrison) matrices (real, 64 bit, A-u*v’ format).

R8SP, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R8SP matrices (real, 64 bit, SLAP Triad (I,J,AIJ) format).

R8SR, a C++ library which carries out linear algebra operations for R8SR matrices (real, 64 bit, diagonal + compressed row offdiagonal format).

R8SS, a C++ library which carries out linear algebra operations for R8SS matrices (real, 64 bit, symmetric skyline format).

R8STO, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R8STO matrices (real, 64 bit, symmetric Toeplitz N format).

R8TO, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R8TO matrices (real, 64 bit, Toeplitz 2*N-1 format).

R8UT, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R8UT matrices (real, 64 bit, upper triangular format).

R8UTT, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R8UTT matrices (real, 64 bit, upper triangular Toeplitz format).

R8VM, a C++ library which contains linear algebra routines for R8VM matrices (real, 64 bit, Vandermonde format).

Source Code: {#source-code align=”center”}

Examples and Tests: {#examples-and-tests align=”center”}

List of Routines: {#list-of-routines align=”center”}

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Last revised on 18 May 2016.