Convert binary PBM Graphics File to ASCII PBM Format {#pbmb_to_pbma-convert-binary-pbm-graphics-file-to-ascii-pbm-format align=”center”}
PBMB_TO_PBMA is a C++ program which converts a binary PBM file to
ASCII PBM format.
Usage: {#usage align=”center”}
pbmb_to_pbma file1 file2
- file1 is the name of an existing PBM file in binary format;
- file2 is the name of the PBM file in ASCII format to be created.
Licensing: {#licensing align=”center”}
The computer code and data files described and made available on this
web page are distributed under the GNU LGPL
Languages: {#languages align=”center”}
PBMB_TO_PBMA is available in a C++
a C++ program which converts a file of short int (I2) data from binary
to ASCII format.
PBMA, a data directory which contains a
description and examples of the ASCII PBM format.
PBMA_IO, a C++ library which
reads and writes files in the ASCII PBM format.
program which converts an ASCII PBM file to binary PBM format.
PBMB, a data directory which contains a
description and examples of the binary PBM format.
PBMB_IO, a C++ library which
reads and writes files in the binary PBM format.
Reference: {#reference align=”center”}
- http://netpbm/sourceforge.net/\
the NETPBM homepage.
Source Code: {#source-code align=”center”}
List of Routines: {#list-of-routines align=”center”}
- MAIN is the main program for PBMB_TO_PBMA.
- CH_CAP capitalizes a single character.
- PBMA_WRITE writes the header and data for an ASCII PBM file.
- PBMA_WRITE_DATA writes the data for an ASCII PBM file.
- PBMA_WRITE_HEADER writes the header of an ASCII PBM file.
- PBMB_CHECK_DATA checks the data for a binary portable bit map
- PBMB_READ reads the header and data from a binary portable bit
map file.
- PBMB_READ_DATA reads the data in a binary portable bit map
- PBMB_READ_HEADER reads the header of a binary portable bit map
- PBMB_TO_PBMA converts one PBMB file to PBMA format.
- S_EQI reports whether two strings are equal, ignoring case.
- S_LEN_TRIM returns the length of a string to the last
- S_WORD_EXTRACT_FIRST extracts the first word from a string.
- TIMESTAMP prints the current YMDHMS date as a time stamp.
You can go up one level to the C++ source codes.
Last revised on 01 April 2011.