26 July 2015 08:29:42 AM NS2DE_PRB C++ version Test the NS2DE library. UVP_LUCAS_TEST Lucas Bystricky Flow: Estimate the range of velocity and pressure at the initial time T = 0, over the unit square. Kinematic viscosity NU = 1 Fluid density RHO = 1 Minimum Maximum U: -0.318305 0.318303 V: -0.991674 -0.000268753 P: -0 -0 UVP_LUCAS_TEST2 Lucas Bystricky Flow: Estimate the range of velocity and pressure on the boundary at the initial time T = 0, over the unit square. Kinematic viscosity NU = 1 Fluid density RHO = 1 Minimum Maximum U: -0.31831 0.31831 V: -0.999874 -0 P: -0 -0 RHS_LUCAS_TEST Lucas Bystricky Flow: Sample the Navier-Stokes right hand sides at the initial time T = 0, using the unit square. Kinematic viscosity NU = 1 Fluid density RHO = 1 Minimum Maximum F: -3.1575 3.15751 G: -8.79482 0.935149 H: 0 0 RESID_LUCAS_TEST Lucas Bystricky Flow: Sample the Navier-Stokes residuals at the initial time T = 0, on the unit square. Kinematic viscosity NU = 1 Fluid density RHO = 1 Minimum Maximum Ur: 0 0 Vr: 0 1.77636e-15 Pr: 0 0 GNUPLOT_LUCAS_TEST: Lucas Bystricky Flow: Generate a velocity field on a regular grid. Store in GNUPLOT data and command files. Data written to 'lucas_data.txt' Commands written to 'lucas_commands.txt' UVP_POISEUILLE_TEST Poiseuille Flow: Estimate the range of velocity and pressure at the initial time T = 0, over a channel region. Kinematic viscosity NU = 1 Fluid density RHO = 1 Minimum Maximum U: 0.010254 0.999996 V: 0 0 P: -2 -2 UVP_POISEUILLE_TEST2 Poiseuille Flow: Estimate the range of velocity and pressure on the boundary at the initial time T = 0, over a channel region. Kinematic viscosity NU = 1 Fluid density RHO = 1 Minimum Maximum U: 0 0.999898 V: 0 0 P: -2 -2 RHS_POISEUILLE_TEST Poiseuille Flow: Sample the Navier-Stokes right hand sides at the initial time T = 0, over a channel region. Kinematic viscosity NU = 1 Fluid density RHO = 1 Minimum Maximum F: 0 0 G: 0 0 H: 0 0 RESID_POISEUILLE_TEST Poiseuille Flow: Sample the Navier-Stokes residuals at the initial time T = 0, over a channel region. Kinematic viscosity NU = 1 Fluid density RHO = 1 Minimum Maximum Ur: 0 0 Vr: 0 0 Pr: 0 0 GNUPLOT_POISEUILLE_TEST: Poiseuille Flow: Generate a velocity field on a regular grid. Store in GNUPLOT data and command files. Data written to 'poiseuille_data.txt' Commands written to 'poiseuille_commands.txt' PARAMETER_POISEUILLE_TEST Poiseuille Flow: Monitor solution norms over time for various values of NU, RHO. RHO affects the pressure scaling. RHO NU T ||U|| ||V|| ||P|| 1 1 0 0.0229596 0 0.0632456 1 1 0.2 0.0229596 0 0.0632456 1 1 0.4 0.0229596 0 0.0632456 1 1 0.6 0.0229596 0 0.0632456 1 1 0.8 0.0229596 0 0.0632456 1 1 1 0.0229596 0 0.0632456 0.01 1 0 0.0229596 0 0.000632456 0.01 1 0.2 0.0229596 0 0.000632456 0.01 1 0.4 0.0229596 0 0.000632456 0.01 1 0.6 0.0229596 0 0.000632456 0.01 1 0.8 0.0229596 0 0.000632456 0.01 1 1 0.0229596 0 0.000632456 0.0001 1 0 0.0229596 0 6.32456e-06 0.0001 1 0.2 0.0229596 0 6.32456e-06 0.0001 1 0.4 0.0229596 0 6.32456e-06 0.0001 1 0.6 0.0229596 0 6.32456e-06 0.0001 1 0.8 0.0229596 0 6.32456e-06 0.0001 1 1 0.0229596 0 6.32456e-06 NU affects the time scaling. RHO NU T ||U|| ||V|| ||P|| 1 1 0 0.0229596 0 0.0632456 1 1 0.2 0.0229596 0 0.0632456 1 1 0.4 0.0229596 0 0.0632456 1 1 0.6 0.0229596 0 0.0632456 1 1 0.8 0.0229596 0 0.0632456 1 1 1 0.0229596 0 0.0632456 1 0.1 0 0.0229596 0 0.00632456 1 0.1 0.2 0.0229596 0 0.00632456 1 0.1 0.4 0.0229596 0 0.00632456 1 0.1 0.6 0.0229596 0 0.00632456 1 0.1 0.8 0.0229596 0 0.00632456 1 0.1 1 0.0229596 0 0.00632456 1 0.01 0 0.0229596 0 0.000632456 1 0.01 0.2 0.0229596 0 0.000632456 1 0.01 0.4 0.0229596 0 0.000632456 1 0.01 0.6 0.0229596 0 0.000632456 1 0.01 0.8 0.0229596 0 0.000632456 1 0.01 1 0.0229596 0 0.000632456 1 0.001 0 0.0229596 0 6.32456e-05 1 0.001 0.2 0.0229596 0 6.32456e-05 1 0.001 0.4 0.0229596 0 6.32456e-05 1 0.001 0.6 0.0229596 0 6.32456e-05 1 0.001 0.8 0.0229596 0 6.32456e-05 1 0.001 1 0.0229596 0 6.32456e-05 UVP_SPIRAL_TEST Spiral Flow: Estimate the range of velocity and pressure at the initial time T = 0, over the unit square. Kinematic viscosity NU = 1 Fluid density RHO = 1 Minimum Maximum U: -0.0119441 0.0119905 V: -0.0120032 0.011991 P: 0.00296933 0.99743 UVP_SPIRAL_TEST2 Spiral Flow: Estimate the range of velocity and pressure on the boundary at the initial time T = 0, over the unit square. Kinematic viscosity NU = 1 Fluid density RHO = 1 Minimum Maximum U: 0 0 V: -0 -0 P: 0 1 RHS_SPIRAL_TEST Spiral Flow: Sample the Navier-Stokes right hand sides at the initial time T = 0, using the unit square. Kinematic viscosity NU = 1 Fluid density RHO = 1 Minimum Maximum F: -0.761154 0.763694 G: 0.23586 1.76464 H: 0 0 RESID_SPIRAL_TEST Spiral Flow: Sample the Navier-Stokes residuals at the initial time T = 0, on the unit square. Kinematic viscosity NU = 1 Fluid density RHO = 1 Minimum Maximum Ur: 0 0 Vr: 0 0 Pr: 0 0 GNUPLOT_SPIRAL_TEST: Spiral Flow: Generate a velocity field on a regular grid. Store in GNUPLOT data and command files. Data written to 'spiral_data.txt' Commands written to 'spiral_commands.txt' PARAMETER_SPIRAL_TEST Spiral Flow: Monitor solution norms over time for various values of NU, RHO. RHO affects the pressure scaling. RHO NU T ||U|| ||V|| ||P|| 1 1 0 0.000176721 0.000171249 0.0179831 1 1 0.2 0.000212065 0.000205499 0.0179831 1 1 0.4 0.00024741 0.000239749 0.0179831 1 1 0.6 0.000282754 0.000273998 0.0179831 1 1 0.8 0.000318098 0.000308248 0.0179831 1 1 1 0.000353442 0.000342498 0.0179831 0.01 1 0 0.000176721 0.000171249 0.000179831 0.01 1 0.2 0.000212065 0.000205499 0.000179831 0.01 1 0.4 0.00024741 0.000239749 0.000179831 0.01 1 0.6 0.000282754 0.000273998 0.000179831 0.01 1 0.8 0.000318098 0.000308248 0.000179831 0.01 1 1 0.000353442 0.000342498 0.000179831 0.0001 1 0 0.000176721 0.000171249 1.79831e-06 0.0001 1 0.2 0.000212065 0.000205499 1.79831e-06 0.0001 1 0.4 0.00024741 0.000239749 1.79831e-06 0.0001 1 0.6 0.000282754 0.000273998 1.79831e-06 0.0001 1 0.8 0.000318098 0.000308248 1.79831e-06 0.0001 1 1 0.000353442 0.000342498 1.79831e-06 NU affects the time scaling. RHO NU T ||U|| ||V|| ||P|| 1 1 0 0.000176721 0.000171249 0.0179831 1 1 0.2 0.000212065 0.000205499 0.0179831 1 1 0.4 0.00024741 0.000239749 0.0179831 1 1 0.6 0.000282754 0.000273998 0.0179831 1 1 0.8 0.000318098 0.000308248 0.0179831 1 1 1 0.000353442 0.000342498 0.0179831 1 0.1 0 0.000176721 0.000171249 0.0179831 1 0.1 0.2 0.000180256 0.000174674 0.0179831 1 0.1 0.4 0.00018379 0.000178099 0.0179831 1 0.1 0.6 0.000187324 0.000181524 0.0179831 1 0.1 0.8 0.000190859 0.000184949 0.0179831 1 0.1 1 0.000194393 0.000188374 0.0179831 1 0.01 0 0.000176721 0.000171249 0.0179831 1 0.01 0.2 0.000177075 0.000171592 0.0179831 1 0.01 0.4 0.000177428 0.000171934 0.0179831 1 0.01 0.6 0.000177781 0.000172277 0.0179831 1 0.01 0.8 0.000178135 0.000172619 0.0179831 1 0.01 1 0.000178488 0.000172962 0.0179831 1 0.001 0 0.000176721 0.000171249 0.0179831 1 0.001 0.2 0.000176756 0.000171283 0.0179831 1 0.001 0.4 0.000176792 0.000171318 0.0179831 1 0.001 0.6 0.000176827 0.000171352 0.0179831 1 0.001 0.8 0.000176862 0.000171386 0.0179831 1 0.001 1 0.000176898 0.00017142 0.0179831 UVP_TAYLOR_TEST Taylor Flow: Estimate the range of velocity and pressure at the initial time T = 0, using a region that is the square centered at (1.5,1.5) with 'radius' 1.0, Kinematic viscosity NU = 1 Fluid density RHO = 1 Minimum Maximum U: -0.997425 0.992956 V: -0.998769 0.998312 P: -0.498148 0.498566 UVP_TAYLOR_TEST2 Taylor Flow: Estimate the range of velocity and pressure on the boundary at the initial time T = 0, using a region that is the square centered at (1.5,1.5) with 'radius' 1.0, Kinematic viscosity NU = 1 Fluid density RHO = 1 Minimum Maximum U: -0.999874 0.999874 V: -0.999874 0.999874 P: 0.000125864 0.5 RHS_TAYLOR_TEST Taylor Flow: Sample the Navier-Stokes right hand sides at the initial time T = 0, using a region that is the square centered at (1.5,1.5) with 'radius' 1.0, Kinematic viscosity NU = 1 Fluid density RHO = 1 Minimum Maximum F: 0 0 G: 0 0 H: 0 0 RESID_TAYLOR_TEST Taylor Flow: Sample the Navier-Stokes residuals at the initial time T = 0, using a region that is the square centered at (1.5,1.5) with 'radius' 1.0, Kinematic viscosity NU = 1 Fluid density RHO = 1 Minimum Maximum Ur: 0 3.55271e-15 Vr: 0 3.55271e-15 Pr: 0 0 GNUPLOT_TAYLOR_TEST: Taylor Flow: Generate a Taylor vortex velocity field on a regular grid. Store in GNUPLOT data and command files. Data written to 'taylor_data.txt' Commands written to 'taylor_commands.txt' PARAMETER_TAYLOR_TEST Taylor Flow: Monitor solution norms over time for various values of NU, RHO. RHO affects the pressure scaling. RHO NU T ||U|| ||V|| ||P|| 1 1 0 0.0157149 0.0159926 0.00790504 1 1 0.2 0.000303239 0.000308597 2.94342e-06 1 1 0.4 5.85139e-06 5.95478e-06 1.09597e-09 1 1 0.6 1.1291e-07 1.14905e-07 4.08083e-13 1 1 0.8 2.17875e-09 2.21725e-09 1.51949e-16 1 1 1 4.20418e-11 4.27847e-11 5.65777e-20 0.01 1 0 0.0157149 0.0159926 7.90504e-05 0.01 1 0.2 0.000303239 0.000308597 2.94342e-08 0.01 1 0.4 5.85139e-06 5.95478e-06 1.09597e-11 0.01 1 0.6 1.1291e-07 1.14905e-07 4.08083e-15 0.01 1 0.8 2.17875e-09 2.21725e-09 1.51949e-18 0.01 1 1 4.20418e-11 4.27847e-11 5.65777e-22 0.0001 1 0 0.0157149 0.0159926 7.90504e-07 0.0001 1 0.2 0.000303239 0.000308597 2.94342e-10 0.0001 1 0.4 5.85139e-06 5.95478e-06 1.09597e-13 0.0001 1 0.6 1.1291e-07 1.14905e-07 4.08083e-17 0.0001 1 0.8 2.17875e-09 2.21725e-09 1.51949e-20 0.0001 1 1 4.20418e-11 4.27847e-11 5.65777e-24 NU affects the time scaling. RHO NU T ||U|| ||V|| ||P|| 1 1 0 0.0157149 0.0159926 0.00790504 1 1 0.2 0.000303239 0.000308597 2.94342e-06 1 1 0.4 5.85139e-06 5.95478e-06 1.09597e-09 1 1 0.6 1.1291e-07 1.14905e-07 4.08083e-13 1 1 0.8 2.17875e-09 2.21725e-09 1.51949e-16 1 1 1 4.20418e-11 4.27847e-11 5.65777e-20 1 0.1 0 0.0157149 0.0159926 0.00790504 1 0.1 0.2 0.0105891 0.0107762 0.00358921 1 0.1 0.4 0.00713519 0.00726127 0.00162965 1 0.1 0.6 0.00480787 0.00489283 0.000739926 1 0.1 0.8 0.00323967 0.00329691 0.000335957 1 0.1 1 0.00218297 0.00222154 0.000152538 1 0.01 0 0.0157149 0.0159926 0.00790504 1 0.01 0.2 0.0151065 0.0153735 0.00730489 1 0.01 0.4 0.0145218 0.0147784 0.0067503 1 0.01 0.6 0.0139597 0.0142063 0.00623781 1 0.01 0.8 0.0134193 0.0136564 0.00576424 1 0.01 1 0.0128998 0.0131278 0.00532662 1 0.001 0 0.0157149 0.0159926 0.00790504 1 0.001 0.2 0.0156529 0.0159295 0.00784287 1 0.001 0.4 0.0155913 0.0158668 0.00778119 1 0.001 0.6 0.0155298 0.0158043 0.00771999 1 0.001 0.8 0.0154687 0.015742 0.00765928 1 0.001 1 0.0154077 0.01568 0.00759904 UVP_VORTEX_TEST Vortex Flow: Estimate the range of velocity and pressure at the initial time T = 0, using a region that is the square centered at (1.0,1.0) with 'radius' 0.5, Kinematic viscosity NU = 1 Fluid density RHO = 1 Minimum Maximum U: -0.998786 0.993636 V: -0.999012 0.999454 P: -0.49917 0.499641 UVP_VORTEX_TEST2 Vortex Flow: Estimate the range of velocity and pressure on the boundary at the initial time T = 0, using a region that is the square centered at (1.0,1.0) with 'radius' 0.5, Kinematic viscosity NU = 1 Fluid density RHO = 1 Minimum Maximum U: -0.999874 0.999874 V: -0.999874 0.999874 P: 0.000125864 0.5 RHS_VORTEX_TEST Vortex Flow: Sample the Navier-Stokes right hand sides at the initial time T = 0, using a region that is the square centered at (1.0,1.0) with 'radius' 0.5, Kinematic viscosity NU = 1 Fluid density RHO = 1 Minimum Maximum F: -19.7152 19.6136 G: -19.7197 19.7284 H: 0 0 RESID_VORTEX_TEST Vortex Flow: Sample the Navier-Stokes residuals at the initial time T = 0, using a region that is the square centered at (1.0,1.0) with 'radius' 0.5, Kinematic viscosity NU = 1 Fluid density RHO = 1 Minimum Maximum Ur: 0.00731576 19.7152 Vr: 0.0100169 19.7284 Pr: 0 0 GNUPLOT_VORTEX_TEST: Vortex Flow: Generate a Vortex vortex velocity field on a regular grid. Store in GNUPLOT data and command files. Data written to 'vortex_data.txt' Commands written to 'vortex_commands.txt' PARAMETER_VORTEX_TEST Vortex Flow: Monitor solution norms over time for various values of NU, RHO. RHO affects the pressure scaling. RHO NU T ||U|| ||V|| ||P|| 1 1 0 0.0158764 0.0153557 0.00812655 1 1 0.2 0.0158764 0.0153557 0.00812655 1 1 0.4 0.0158764 0.0153557 0.00812655 1 1 0.6 0.0158764 0.0153557 0.00812655 1 1 0.8 0.0158764 0.0153557 0.00812655 1 1 1 0.0158764 0.0153557 0.00812655 0.01 1 0 0.0158764 0.0153557 8.12655e-05 0.01 1 0.2 0.0158764 0.0153557 8.12655e-05 0.01 1 0.4 0.0158764 0.0153557 8.12655e-05 0.01 1 0.6 0.0158764 0.0153557 8.12655e-05 0.01 1 0.8 0.0158764 0.0153557 8.12655e-05 0.01 1 1 0.0158764 0.0153557 8.12655e-05 0.0001 1 0 0.0158764 0.0153557 8.12655e-07 0.0001 1 0.2 0.0158764 0.0153557 8.12655e-07 0.0001 1 0.4 0.0158764 0.0153557 8.12655e-07 0.0001 1 0.6 0.0158764 0.0153557 8.12655e-07 0.0001 1 0.8 0.0158764 0.0153557 8.12655e-07 0.0001 1 1 0.0158764 0.0153557 8.12655e-07 NU affects the time scaling. RHO NU T ||U|| ||V|| ||P|| 1 1 0 0.0158764 0.0153557 0.00812655 1 1 0.2 0.0158764 0.0153557 0.00812655 1 1 0.4 0.0158764 0.0153557 0.00812655 1 1 0.6 0.0158764 0.0153557 0.00812655 1 1 0.8 0.0158764 0.0153557 0.00812655 1 1 1 0.0158764 0.0153557 0.00812655 1 0.1 0 0.0158764 0.0153557 0.00812655 1 0.1 0.2 0.0158764 0.0153557 0.00812655 1 0.1 0.4 0.0158764 0.0153557 0.00812655 1 0.1 0.6 0.0158764 0.0153557 0.00812655 1 0.1 0.8 0.0158764 0.0153557 0.00812655 1 0.1 1 0.0158764 0.0153557 0.00812655 1 0.01 0 0.0158764 0.0153557 0.00812655 1 0.01 0.2 0.0158764 0.0153557 0.00812655 1 0.01 0.4 0.0158764 0.0153557 0.00812655 1 0.01 0.6 0.0158764 0.0153557 0.00812655 1 0.01 0.8 0.0158764 0.0153557 0.00812655 1 0.01 1 0.0158764 0.0153557 0.00812655 1 0.001 0 0.0158764 0.0153557 0.00812655 1 0.001 0.2 0.0158764 0.0153557 0.00812655 1 0.001 0.4 0.0158764 0.0153557 0.00812655 1 0.001 0.6 0.0158764 0.0153557 0.00812655 1 0.001 0.8 0.0158764 0.0153557 0.00812655 1 0.001 1 0.0158764 0.0153557 0.00812655 NS2DE_TEST Normal end of execution. 26 July 2015 08:29:42 AM