26 August 2014 09:25:29 AM

  C version
  Test the LINE_FEKETE_RULE library.

  Seek Fekete points in [-1,1]
  using 5001 equally spaced sample points
  for polynomials of degree M = 5
  using the monomial basis and uniform weight.

  NF = 5

  Estimated Fekete points XF:

         0:             -1
         1:        -0.6248
         2:              0
         3:          0.656
         4:              1

  Sum(WF) = 2

  Seek Fekete points in [-1,1]
  using 5001 equally spaced sample points
  for polynomials of degree M = 11
  using the monomial basis and uniform weight.

  NF = 11

  Estimated Fekete points XF:

         0:             -1
         1:        -0.8996
         2:        -0.7056
         3:        -0.5676
         4:        -0.4124
         5:         -0.046
         6:         0.3084
         7:         0.4948
         8:         0.6512
         9:         0.8868
        10:              1

  Sum(WF) = 2

  Seek Fekete points in [-1,1]
  using 5001 equally spaced sample points
  for polynomials of degree M = 21
  using the monomial basis and uniform weight.

  NF = 21

  Estimated Fekete points XF:

         0:             -1
         1:        -0.9824
         2:        -0.9516
         3:        -0.8976
         4:         -0.838
         5:        -0.7368
         6:        -0.5972
         7:        -0.4524
         8:        -0.3184
         9:        -0.1688
        10:        -0.0132
        11:         0.1552
        12:         0.3268
        13:         0.4528
        14:         0.5588
        15:         0.7228
        16:         0.8324
        17:         0.8924
        18:           0.95
        19:         0.9816
        20:              1

  Sum(WF) = 2

  Seek Fekete points in [-1,1]
  using 5001 equally spaced sample points
  for polynomials of degree M = 5
  with the Chebyshev basis.

  NF = 5

  Estimated Fekete points XF:

         0:             -1
         1:        -0.6636
         2:         -0.008
         3:         0.6412
         4:              1

  Sum(WF) = 3.14159

  Seek Fekete points in [-1,1]
  using 5001 equally spaced sample points
  for polynomials of degree M = 11
  with the Chebyshev basis.

  NF = 11

  Estimated Fekete points XF:

         0:             -1
         1:        -0.9372
         2:        -0.7896
         3:        -0.5696
         4:        -0.2968
         5:         0.0008
         6:         0.3032
         7:         0.5744
         8:         0.7916
         9:         0.9376
        10:              1

  Sum(WF) = 3.14159

  Seek Fekete points in [-1,1]
  using 5001 equally spaced sample points
  for polynomials of degree M = 21
  with the Chebyshev basis.

  NF = 21

  Estimated Fekete points XF:

         0:             -1
         1:         -0.984
         2:        -0.9448
         3:        -0.8836
         4:        -0.8012
         5:           -0.7
         6:         -0.582
         7:        -0.4496
         8:        -0.3064
         9:        -0.1564
        10:        -0.0004
        11:         0.1548
        12:         0.3076
        13:         0.4508
        14:         0.5824
        15:         0.7004
        16:         0.8012
        17:         0.8832
        18:         0.9444
        19:         0.9836
        20:              1

  Sum(WF) = 3.14159

  Seek Fekete points in [-1,1]
  using 5001 equally spaced sample points
  for polynomials of degree M = 5
  with the Legendre basis and uniform weight.

  NF = 5

  Estimated Fekete points XF:

         0:             -1
         1:        -0.5924
         2:         0.0044
         3:         0.6048
         4:              1

  Sum(WF) = 2

  Seek Fekete points in [-1,1]
  using 5001 equally spaced sample points
  for polynomials of degree M = 11
  with the Legendre basis and uniform weight.

  NF = 11

  Estimated Fekete points XF:

         0:             -1
         1:        -0.9168
         2:         -0.726
         3:        -0.5388
         4:        -0.2912
         5:        -0.0012
         6:          0.288
         7:          0.538
         8:         0.7256
         9:         0.9172
        10:              1

  Sum(WF) = 2

  Seek Fekete points in [-1,1]
  using 5001 equally spaced sample points
  for polynomials of degree M = 21
  with the Legendre basis and uniform weight.

  NF = 21

  Estimated Fekete points XF:

         0:             -1
         1:        -0.9772
         2:        -0.9228
         3:        -0.8692
         4:        -0.7952
         5:        -0.6456
         6:        -0.5496
         7:        -0.4216
         8:        -0.2932
         9:        -0.1512
        10:        -0.0052
        11:         0.1396
        12:         0.2852
        13:          0.416
        14:         0.5416
        15:         0.6324
        16:         0.7952
        17:         0.8692
        18:         0.9228
        19:         0.9772
        20:              1

  Sum(WF) = 2

  Normal end of execution.

26 August 2014 09:25:29 AM