LATIN_EDGE_DATASET\ Generate Latin Edge Square Datasets {#latin_edge_dataset-generate-latin-edge-square-datasets align=”center”} ===================================
LATIN_EDGE_DATASET is a C++ program which creates a Latin Edge Square dataset.
A Latin square, in M dimensional space, with N points, can be thought of as being constructed by dividing each of the M coordinate dimensions into N equal intervals. The I-th coordinates of the N subsquares are defined by assigning each possible value exactly once to one subsquare. Such a set is called a Latin Square.
Now suppose that, in each spatial coordinate, we label successive squares by the values 0, 1/N-1, 2/N-1, …, (N-2)/(N-1), 1. Then each element of our Latin Edge dataset is a vector of N such values, and our dataset contains N such vectors.
latin_edge_dataset m n seed
The data is written to the file latin_edge_m_n.txt.
The computer code and data files described and made available on this web page are distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
LATIN_EDGE_DATASET is available in a C++ version and a FORTRAN90 version and a MATLAB version.
FAURE_DATASET, a C++ program which creates a Faure quasirandom dataset;
GRID_DATASET, a C++ program which creates a grid sequence and writes it to a file.
LATIN_CENTER_DATASET, a C++ program which creates a Latin Center Hypercube dataset;
LATIN_EDGE, a C++ library which computes the Latin Edge squares requested by LATIN_EDGE_DATASET.
LATIN_EDGE, a dataset directory which contains sample datasets created by LATIN_EDGE_DATASET.
LATIN_RANDOM_DATASET, a C++ program which creates a Latin Random Hypercube dataset;
NIEDERREITER2_DATASET, a C++ program which creates a Niederreiter quasirandom dataset with base 2;
NORMAL_DATASET, a C++ program which generates a dataset of multivariate normal pseudorandom values and writes them to a file.
SOBOL_DATASET, a C++ program which computes a Sobol quasirandom sequence and writes it to a file.
UNIFORM_DATASET, a C++ program which generates a dataset of multivariate uniform pseudorandom values and writes them to a file.
VAN_DER_CORPUT_DATASET, a C++ program which creates a van der Corput quasirandom sequence and writes it to a file.
You can go up one level to the C++ source codes.
Last revised on 15 December 2009.