A Single Precision Integer Arithmetic Utility Library {#i4lib-a-single-precision-integer-arithmetic-utility-library align=”center”}
I4LIB is a C++ library which includes a number of utility routines
for “I4” or single precision integer arithmetic.
Licensing: {#licensing align=”center”}
The computer code and data files described and made available on this
web page are distributed under the GNU LGPL
Languages: {#languages align=”center”}
I4LIB is available in a C version
and a C++ version and a FORTRAN77
version and a FORTRAN90
version and a MATLAB
version and a Python
C4LIB, a C++ library which implements
certain elementary functions for “C4” or single precision complex
C8LIB, a C++ library which implements
certain elementary functions for “C8” or double precision complex
I8LIB, a C++ library which contains
many utility routines, using “I8” or “double precision integer”
R4LIB, a C++ library which contains
many utility routines, using “R4” or “single precision real” arithmetic.
R8LIB, a C++ library which contains
many utility routines, using “R8” or “double precision real” arithmetic.
SUBPAK, a C++ library which contains
many utility routines;
Reference: {#reference align=”center”}
- Milton Abramowitz, Irene Stegun,\
Handbook of Mathematical Functions,\
National Bureau of Standards, 1964,\
ISBN: 0-486-61272-4,\
LC: QA47.A34.
- Thomas Cormen, Charles Leiserson, Ronald Rivest,\
Introduction to Algorithms,\
MIT Press, 2001,\
ISBN: 0262032937,\
LC: QA76.C662.
- Albert Nijenhuis, Herbert Wilf,\
Combinatorial Algorithms for Computers and Calculators,\
Second Edition,\
Academic Press, 1978,\
ISBN: 0-12-519260-6,\
LC: QA164.N54.
Source Code: {#source-code align=”center”}
Examples and Tests: {#examples-and-tests align=”center”}
List of Routines: {#list-of-routines align=”center”}
- I4_ABS returns the absolute value of an I4.
- I4_BCLR returns a copy of an I4 in which the POS-th bit is set
to 0.
- I4_BIT_HI1 returns the position of the high 1 bit base 2 in an
- I4_BIT_LO0 returns the position of the low 0 bit base 2 in an
- I4_BIT_LO1 returns the position of the low 1 bit base 2 in an
- I4_BIT_REVERSE reverses the bits in an I4.
- I4_BSET returns a copy of an I4 in which the POS-th bit is set
to 1.
- I4_BTEST returns TRUE if the POS-th bit of an I4 is 1.
- I4_CEILING rounds an R8 up to the next I4.
- I4_CHARACTERISTIC gives the characteristic for an I4.
- I4_CHOOSE computes the binomial coefficient C(N,K).
- I4_DIV_ROUNDED computes the rounded result of I4 division.
- I4_DIVISION returns the result of integer division.
- I4_DIVP returns the smallest multiple of J greater than or
equal to an I4.
- I4_FACTORIAL computes the factorial of N.
- I4_FACTORIAL2 computes the double factorial function.
- I4_FACTORIAL2_VALUES returns values of the double factorial
- I4_FALL computes the falling factorial function [X]_N.
- I4_FALL_VALUES returns values of the integer falling factorial
- I4_FLOOR rounds an R8 down to the nearest I4.
- I4_FRACTION computes a ratio and returns an integer result.
- I4_GCD finds the greatest common divisor of two I4’s.
- I4_GCDB finds the greatest common divisor of the form K**N of
two I4’s.
- I4_HUGE returns a “huge” I4.
- I4_HUGE_NORMALIZER returns the “normalizer” for I4_HUGE.
- I4_IS_EVEN returns TRUE if an I4 is even.
- I4_IS_ODD returns TRUE if an I4 is odd.
- I4_IS_POWER_OF_2 reports whether an I4 is a power of 2.
- I4_IS_PRIME reports whether an I4 is prime.
- I4_LCM computes the least common multiple of two I4’s.
- I4_LOG_10 returns the integer part of the logarithm base 10 of
an I4.
- I4_LOG_2 returns the integer part of the logarithm base 2 of
an I4.
- I4_LOG_I4 returns the logarithm of an I4 to an I4 base.
- I4_LOG_R8 returns the integer part of the logarithm base B of
an I4.
- I4_MANT computes the “mantissa” of an R4.
- I4_MAX returns the maximum of two I4’s.
- I4_MIN returns the minimum of two I4’s.
- I4_MOD_INV calculates the inverse of B mod N.
- I4_MODDIV breaks an I4 into a multiple of a divisor and
- I4_MODP returns the nonnegative remainder of I4 division.
- I4_MOP returns the I-th power of -1 as an I4 value.
- I4_POWER returns the value of I\^J.
- I4_REVERSE_BYTES reverses the bytes in an I4.
- I4_RISE computes the rising factorial function [X]\^N.
- I4_RISE_VALUES returns values of the integer rising factorial
- I4_SIGN returns the sign of an I4.
- I4_SIGN3 returns the three-way sign of an I4.
- I4_SWAP switches two I4’s.
- I4_SWAP3 swaps three I4’s.
- I4_TO_ANGLE maps I4’s to points on a circle.
- I4_TO_DIGITS_BINARY produces the binary digits of an I4.
- I4_TO_DIGITS_DECIMAL determines the last N decimal digits of
an I4.
- I4_TO_FAC converts an I4 into a product of prime factors.
- I4_TO_HALTON computes one element of a leaped Halton
- I4_TO_ISBN converts an I4 to an ISBN digit.
- I4_TO_L4 converts an I4 to a logical value.
- I4_TO_PASCAL converts a linear index to Pascal triangle
- I4_TO_PASCAL_DEGREE converts a linear index to a Pascal
triangle degree.
- I4_TO_TRIANGLE converts an integer to triangular coordinates.
- I4_UNIFORM_AB returns a scaled pseudorandom I4 between A
and B.
- I4_UNSWAP3 unswaps three I4’s.
- I4_WALSH_1D evaluates the Walsh function of a real scalar
- I4_WIDTH returns the “width” of an I4.
- I4_WRAP forces an I4 to lie between given limits by wrapping.
- I4_XOR calculates the exclusive OR of two I4’s.
- I43MAT_FLIP_COLS swaps the columns of an I43MAT.
- I43MAT_FLIP_ROWS swaps the rows of an I43MAT.
- I4BLOCK_DELETE frees memory associated with an I4BLOCK.
- I4BLOCK_NEW allocates a new I4BLOCK.
- I4BLOCK_PRINT prints an I4BLOCK.
- I4BLOCK_ZEROS_NEW returns a new zeroed I4BLOCK.
- I4CMAT_DELETE frees memory associated with an I4CMAT.
- I4CMAT_NEW allocates a new I4CMAT.
- I4COL_COMPARE compares columns I and J of an I4COL.
- I4COL_FIND seeks a table column equal to an I4COL.
- I4COL_FIND_ITEM searches an I4COL for a given value.
- I4COL_FIND_PAIR_WRAP wrap searches an I4COL for a pair of
- I4COL_FIRST_INDEX indexes the first occurrence of values in an
- I4COL_SORT_A ascending sorts the columns of an I4COL.
- I4COL_SORT_D descending sorts the columns of an I4COL.
- I4COL_SORT2_A ascending sorts the elements of each column of
an I4COL.
- I4COL_SORT2_D descending sorts the elements of each column of
an I4COL.
- I4COL_SORTED_SINGLETON_COUNT counts singletons in an I4COL.
- I4COL_SORTED_UNIQUE keeps unique elements in a sorted I4COL.
- I4COL_SORTED_UNIQUE_COUNT counts unique elements in an I4COL.
- I4COL_SWAP swaps two columns of an I4COL.
- I4COL_UNIQUE_INDEX indexes the unique occurrence of values in
an I4COL.
- I4I4_SORT_A ascending sorts a pair of I4’s.
- I4I4I4_SORT_A ascending sorts a triple of I4’s.
- I4INT_TO_R4INT maps an I4 interval to an R4 interval.
- I4INT_TO_R8INT maps an I4 interval to an R8 interval.
- I4LIST_PRINT prints an I4LIST.
- I4MAT_BORDER_ADD adds a “border” to an I4MAT.
- I4MAT_BORDER_CUT cuts the “border” of an I4MAT.
- I4MAT_COPY copies one I4MAT to another.
- I4MAT_COPY_NEW copies an I4MAT to a “new” I4MAT.
- I4MAT_ELIM carries out exact Gauss elimination on an I4MAT.
- I4MAT_FLIP_COLS swaps the columns of an I4MAT.
- I4MAT_FLIP_ROWS swaps the rows of an I4MAT.
- I4MAT_HISTOGRAM computes a histogram of the elements of an
- I4MAT_INDICATOR_NEW sets up an “indicator” I4MAT.
- I4MAT_L1_INVERSE inverts a unit lower triangular I4MAT.
- I4MAT_MAX returns the maximum of an I4MAT.
- I4MAT_MAX_INDEX returns the location of the maximum of an
- I4MAT_MIN returns the minimum of an I4MAT.
- I4MAT_MIN_INDEX returns the location of the minimum of an
- I4MAT_MM multiplies two I4MAT’s.
- I4MAT_PERM_UNIFORM selects a random permutation of an I4MAT.
- I4MAT_PERM2_UNIFORM selects a random permutation of an I4MAT.
- I4MAT_PRINT prints an I4MAT.
- I4MAT_PRINT_SOME prints some of an I4MAT.
- I4MAT_RED divides out common factors in a row or column of an
- I4MAT_TRANSPOSE_PRINT prints an I4MAT, transposed.
- I4MAT_TRANSPOSE_PRINT_SOME prints some of an I4MAT,
- I4MAT_U1_INVERSE inverts a unit upper triangular I4MAT.
- I4MAT_UNIFORM_AB returns a scaled pseudorandom I4MAT.
- I4MAT_UNIFORM_AB_NEW returns a new scaled pseudorandom I4MAT.
- I4RMAT_DELETE frees memory associated with an I4RMAT.
- I4RMAT_NEW allocates a new I4RMAT.
- I4ROW_COMPARE compares two rows of a integer array.
- I4ROW_FIND_ITEM searches the rows of an I4ROW for a given
- I4ROW_MAX returns the maximums of an I4ROW.
- I4ROW_MEAN returns the means of an I4ROW.
- I4ROW_MIN returns the minimums of an I4ROW.
- I4ROW_SORT_A ascending sorts the rows of an I4ROW.
- I4ROW_SORT_D descending sorts the rows of an I4ROW.
- I4ROW_SORT2_D descending sorts the elements of each row of an
- I4ROW_SUM returns the sums of the rows of an I4ROW.
- I4ROW_SWAP swaps two rows of an I4ROW.
- I4ROW_VARIANCE returns the variances of an I4ROW.
- I4VEC_ADD computes C = A + B for I4VEC’s.
- I4VEC_ADD_NEW computes C = A + B for I4VEC’s.
- I4VEC_ALL_NONPOSITIVE: ( all ( A <= 0 ) ) for I4VEC’s.
- I4VEC_AMAX returns the largest magnitude in an I4VEC.
- I4VEC_AMAX_INDEX returns the index of the maximum absolute
value in an I4VEC.
- I4VEC_AMIN returns the smallest magnitude in an I4VEC.
- I4VEC_AMIN_INDEX returns the index of the minimum absolute
value in an I4VEC.
- I4VEC_AMINZ returns the smallest nonzero magnitude in an I4VEC.
- I4VEC_AMINZ_INDEX returns the smallest nonzero magnitude in an
- I4VEC_ANY_LT: ( any ( A < B ) ) for I4VEC’s.
- I4VEC_ANY_NEGATIVE: ( any A < 0 ) for I4VEC’s.
- I4VEC_ANY_NONZERO: ( any A nonzero ) for I4VEC’s.
- I4VEC_ASCEND_SUB computes the longest ascending subsequence in
an I4VEC.
- I4VEC_ASCENDS determines if an I4VEC is (weakly) ascending.
- I4VEC_AXPY adds IA times the vector IX to the vector IY.
- I4VEC_BRACKET searches a sorted I4VEC for successive brackets
of a value.
- I4VEC_COMPARE compares two I4VEC’s.
- I4VEC_CONCATENATE concatenates two I4VEC’s.
- I4VEC_CONCATENATE_NEW concatenates two I4VEC’s.
- I4VEC_COPY copies an I4VEC.
- I4VEC_COPY_NEW copies an I4VEC to a “new” I4VEC.
- I4VEC_CUM_NEW computes the cumulative sum of the entries of an
- I4VEC_CUM0_NEW computes the cumulative sum of the entries of
an I4VEC.
- I4VEC_DEC decrements an I4VEC.
- I4VEC_DESCENDS determines if an I4VEC is (weakly) descending.
- I4VEC_DIRECT_PRODUCT creates a direct product of I4VEC’s.
- I4VEC_DIRECT_PRODUCT2 creates a direct product of I4VEC’s.
- I4VEC_DOT_PRODUCT computes the dot product of two I4VEC’s.
- I4VEC_EQ is true if two I4VEC’s are equal.
- I4VEC_EVEN_ALL is TRUE if all entries of an I4VEC are even.
- I4VEC_EVEN_ANY is TRUE if any entry of an I4VEC is even.
- I4VEC_FIND finds the first occurrence of a value in an I4VEC.
- I4VEC_FIRST_INDEX indexes the first occurrence of values in an
- I4VEC_FRAC searches for the K-th smallest entry in an I4VEC.
- I4VEC_GCD returns the greatest common divisor of an I4VEC.
- I4VEC_HEAP_A reorders an I4VEC into a ascending heap.
- I4VEC_HEAP_D reorders an I4VEC into a descending heap.
- I4VEC_HEAP_D_EXTRACT extracts the maximum value from a
descending heap.
- I4VEC_HEAP_D_INSERT inserts a new value into a descending
- I4VEC_HEAP_D_MAX returns the maximum value in a descending
heap of integers.
- I4VEC_HISTOGRAM computes a histogram of the elements of an
- I4VEC_HISTOGRAM_MASKED computes a histogram of a masked I4VEC.
- I4VEC_INCREMENT increments an I4VEC.
- I4VEC_INDEX locates a value in an I4VEC.
- I4VEC_INDEX_DELETE_ALL deletes all occurrences of a value
from an indexed sorted list.
- I4VEC_INDEX_DELETE_DUPES deletes duplicates from an indexed
sorted I4VEC.
- I4VEC_INDEX_DELETE_ONE deletes one copy of an I4 from an
indexed sorted I4VEC.
- I4VEC_INDEX_INSERT inserts an I4 into an indexed sorted I4VEC.
- I4VEC_INDEX_INSERT_UNIQUE inserts a unique I4 in an indexed
sorted I4VEC.
- I4VEC_INDEX_ORDER sorts an I4VEC using an index vector.
- I4VEC_INDEX_SEARCH searches for an I4 in an indexed sorted
- I4VEC_INDEX_SORT_UNIQUE creates a sort index for an I4VEC.
- I4VEC_INDEXED_HEAP_D creates a descending heap from an
indexed I4VEC.
- I4VEC_INDEXED_HEAP_D_EXTRACT: extract from heap descending
indexed I4VEC.
- I4VEC_INDEXED_HEAP_D_INSERT: insert value into heap
descending indexed I4VEC.
- I4VEC_INDEXED_HEAP_D_MAX: maximum value in heap descending
indexed I4VEC.
- I4VEC_INDICATOR0 sets an I4VEC to the indicator vector
- I4VEC_INDICATOR0_NEW sets an I4VEC to the indicator vector
- I4VEC_INDICATOR1 sets an I4VEC to the indicator vector
- I4VEC_INDICATOR1_NEW sets an I4VEC to the indicator vector
- I4VEC_INSERT inserts a value into an I4VEC.
- I4VEC_LCM returns the least common multiple of an I4VEC.
- I4VEC_MAX returns the value of the maximum element in an I4VEC.
- I4VEC_MAX_INDEX returns the index of the maximum value in an
- I4VEC_MAX_INDEX_LAST: index of the last maximum value in an
- I4VEC_MEAN returns the mean of an I4VEC.
- I4VEC_MEDIAN returns the median of an unsorted I4VEC.
- I4VEC_MERGE_A merges two ascending sorted I4VEC’s.
- I4VEC_MIN returns the value of the minimum element in an I4VEC.
- I4VEC_MIN_INDEX returns the index of the minimum value in an
- I4VEC_MIN_MV determines U(1:N) /\ V for vectors U and a
single vector V.
- I4VEC_NEGONE sets an I4VEC to -1.
- I4VEC_NEGONE_NEW creates an I4VEC and sets it to -1.
- I4VEC_NONZERO_COUNT counts the nonzero entries in an I4VEC.
- I4VEC_NONZERO_FIRST left-shifts all nonzeros in an I4VEC.
- I4VEC_NORM_L0 returns the l0 “norm” of an I4VEC.
- I4VEC_ODD_ALL is TRUE if all entries of an I4VEC are odd.
- I4VEC_ODD_ANY is TRUE if any entry of an I4VEC is odd.
- I4VEC_ONE_NEW creates an I4VEC and sets it to 1.
- I4VEC_ORDER_TYPE: is an I4VEC is (non)strictly
- I4VEC_PAIRWISE_PRIME checks whether an I4VEC is pairwise
- I4VEC_PART partitions an integer into nearly equal parts.
- I4VEC_PART_QUICK_A reorders an I4VEC as part of a quick sort.
- I4VEC_PERMUTE permutes an I4VEC in place.
- I4VEC_PERMUTE_UNIFORM randomly permutes an I4VEC.
- I4VEC_PRINT prints an I4VEC.
- I4VEC_PRINT_PART prints “part” of an I4VEC.
- I4VEC_PRINT_SOME prints “some” of an I4VEC.
- I4VEC_PRODUCT multiplies the entries of an I4VEC.
- I4VEC_RED divides out common factors in an I4VEC.
- I4VEC_REVERSE reverses the elements of an I4VEC.
- I4VEC_ROTATE rotates an I4VEC in place.
- I4VEC_RUN_COUNT counts runs of equal values in an I4VEC.
- I4VEC_SEARCH_BINARY_A searches an ascending sorted I4VEC for
a value.
- I4VEC_SEARCH_BINARY_D searches a descending sorted I4VEC for
a value.
- I4VEC_SORT_BUBBLE_A ascending sorts an I4VEC using bubble
- I4VEC_SORT_BUBBLE_D descending sorts an I4VEC using bubble
- I4VEC_SORT_HEAP_A ascending sorts an I4VEC using heap sort.
- I4VEC_SORT_HEAP_D descending sorts an I4VEC using heap sort.
- I4VEC_SORT_HEAP_INDEX_A does an indexed heap ascending sort
of an I4VEC.
- I4VEC_SORT_HEAP_INDEX_D does an indexed heap descending sort
of an I4VEC.
- I4VEC_SORT_INSERT_A uses an ascending insertion sort on an
- I4VEC_SORT_INSERT_D uses a descending insertion sort on an
- I4VEC_SORT_QUICK_A ascending sorts an I4VEC using quick sort.
- I4VEC_SORT_SHELL_A ascending sorts an I4VEC using Shell’s
- I4VEC_SORTED_UNDEX returns unique sorted indexes for a sorted
- I4VEC_SORTED_UNIQUE finds the unique elements in a sorted
- I4VEC_SORTED_UNIQUE_COUNT counts unique elements in a sorted
- I4VEC_SORTED_UNIQUE_HIST histograms the unique elements of a
sorted I4VEC.
- I4VEC_SPLIT “splits” an unsorted I4VEC based on a splitting
- I4VEC_STD returns the standard deviation of an I4VEC.
- I4VEC_SUM sums the entries of an I4VEC.
- I4VEC_SWAP swaps two I4VEC’s.
- I4VEC_TRANSPOSE_PRINT prints an I4VEC “transposed”.
- I4VEC_UNDEX returns unique sorted indexes for an I4VEC.
- I4VEC_UNIFORM_AB returns a scaled pseudorandom I4VEC.
- I4VEC_UNIFORM_AB_NEW returns a scaled pseudorandom I4VEC.
- I4VEC_UNIQUE_COUNT counts the unique elements in an unsorted
- I4VEC_UNIQUE_INDEX indexes the unique occurrence of values in
an I4VEC.
- I4VEC_VALUE_INDEX indexes I4VEC entries equal to a given
- I4VEC_VALUE_NUM counts I4VEC entries equal to a given value.
- I4VEC_VARIANCE returns the variance of an I4VEC.
- I4VEC_WIDTH returns the “width” of an I4VEC.
- I4VEC_ZEROS zeroes an I4VEC.
- I4VEC_ZEROS_NEW creates and zeroes an I4VEC.
- I4VEC2_COMPARE compares pairs of integers stored in two
- I4VEC2_PRINT prints an I4VEC2.
- I4VEC2_SORT_A ascending sorts an I4VEC2.
- I4VEC2_SORT_D descending sorts an I4VEC2.
- I4VEC2_SORTED_UNIQUE keeps the unique elements in an I4VEC2.
- I4VEC2_SORTED_UNIQUE_COUNT counts unique elements in an
- L4_TO_I4 converts an L4 to an I4.
- L4_XOR returns the exclusive OR of two L4’s.
- PASCAL_TO_I4 converts Pacal triangle coordinates to a linear
- PERM_CYCLE analyzes a permutation.
- PERM0_CHECK checks a permutation of ( 0, …, N-1 ).
- PERM0_UNIFORM_NEW selects a random permutation of 0,…,N-1.
- PERM1_CHECK checks a permutation of (1, …, N ).
- PERM1_UNIFORM_NEW selects a random permutation of 1,…,N.
- PRIME returns any of the first PRIME_MAX prime numbers.
- R8_NINT returns the nearest integer to an R8.
- R8_UNIFORM_AB returns a scaled pseudorandom R8.
- R8VEC_PRINT prints an R8VEC.
- SORT_HEAP_EXTERNAL externally sorts a list of items into
ascending order.
- TIMESTAMP prints the current YMDHMS date as a time stamp.
- TRIANGLE_TO_I4 converts a triangular coordinate to an integer.
You can go up one level to the C++ source codes.
Last revised on 02 January 2016.