I2_BINARY_TO_ASCII\ Convert I2 Data from Binary to ASCII Format {#i2_binary_to_ascii-convert-i2-data-from-binary-to-ascii-format align=”center”} ===========================================
I2_BINARY_TO_ASCII is a C++ program which converts a file of I2 data from binary to ASCII format.
The computer code and data files described and made available on this web page are distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
I2_BINARY_TO_ASCII is available in a C++ version.
BIO, a C library which manages binary I/O, by Greg Hood.
MRI_TO_ASCII, a C program which converts the binary data in a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) file to ASCII text.
PBMB_TO_PBMA, a C++ program which converts a binary Portable Bit Map (PBM) file to an ASCII PBM file;
PGMB_TO_PGMA, a C++ program which converts a binary Portable Gray Map (PGM) file to an ASCII PGM file;
PPMB_TO_PPMA, a C++ program which converts a binary Portable Pixel Map (PPM) to an ASCII PPM graphics file;
UUENCODE, a C program which takes an input file, especially a binary file, and creates a UU encoded copy that is a text file, suitable for transmission through mail or other text-only systems, by Stephen Satchell and Chuck Forsberg.
You can go up one level to the C++ source codes.
Last revised on 31 October 2012.