
HELLO_MPI\ Hello World, Using MPI {#hello_mpi-hello-world-using-mpi align=”center”} ======================

HELLO_MPI is a C++ program which prints out “Hello, World!”, while invoking the MPI parallel programming system.

If you’re just trying to learn MPI, or learning how to use MPI on a different computer system, or in batch mode, it’s helpful if you start with a very simple program with a tiny amount of output that should print immediately if things are working well.

The latest versions of MPI no longer support the special C++ MPI bindings, so the examples given here have reverted to using the C MPI bindings.

Licensing: {#licensing align=”center”}

The computer code and data files described and made available on this web page are distributed under the GNU LGPL license.

Languages: {#languages align=”center”}

HELLO_MPI is available in a C version and a C++ version and a FORTRAN77 version and a FORTRAN90 version and a Python version.

COMMUNICATOR_MPI, a C++ program which creates new communicators involving a subset of initial set of MPI processes in the default communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD.

HEAT_MPI, a C++ program which solves the 1D Time Dependent Heat Equation using MPI.

HELLO, a C++ program which prints out “Hello, world!”.

HELLO_OPENMP, a C++ program which prints out “Hello, world!” using the OpenMP parallel programming environment.

MPI, C++ programs which illustrate the use of the MPI application program interface for carrying out parallel computatioins in a distributed memory environment.

MPI_STUBS, a C++ library which contains “stub” MPI routines, allowing a user to compile, load, and possibly run an MPI program on a serial machine.

MULTITASK_MPI, a C++ program which demonstrates how to “multitask”, that is, to execute several unrelated and distinct tasks simultaneously, using MPI for parallel execution.

PRIME_MPI, a C++ program which counts the number of primes between 1 and N, using MPI for parallel execution.

QUAD_MPI, a C++ program which approximates an integral using a quadrature rule, and carries out the computation in parallel using MPI.

RANDOM_MPI, a C++ program which demonstrates one way to generate the same sequence of random numbers for both sequential execution and parallel execution under MPI.

RING_MPI, a C++ program which uses the MPI parallel programming environment, and measures the time necessary to copy a set of data around a ring of processes.

SATISFY_MPI, a C++ program which demonstrates, for a particular circuit, an exhaustive search for solutions of the circuit satisfiability problem, using MPI to carry out the calculation in parallel.

SEARCH_MPI, a C++ program which searches integers between A and B for a value J such that F(J) = C, using MPI for parallel execution.

WAVE_MPI, a C++ program which uses finite differences and MPI to estimate a solution to the wave equation.

Reference: {#reference align=”center”}

  1. Michael Quinn,\ Parallel Programming in C with MPI and OpenMP,\ McGraw-Hill, 2004,\ ISBN13: 978-0071232654,\ LC: QA76.73.C15.Q55.

Source Code: {#source-code align=”center”}

Examples and Tests: {#examples-and-tests align=”center”}

HELLO_FSU compiles and runs the program on the FSU HPC cluster.

HELLO_LOCAL compiles and runs the program on the local system, which might work if OpenMPI is installed, and which might make sense if your system has multiple cores.

You can go up one level to the C++ source codes.

Last revised on 14 June 2016.