
HELLO\ A C++ program to say “Hello, world!” {#hello-a-c-program-to-say-hello-world align=”center”} ====================================

HELLO is a C++ program which says “Hello, world!”.

If you’re just trying to learn C++, or learning how to use C++ on a different computer system, or in batch mode, it’s helpful if you start with a very simple program with a tiny amount of output that should print immediately if things are working well.

Licensing: {#licensing align=”center”}

The computer code and data files described and made available on this web page are distributed under the GNU LGPL license.

Languages: {#languages align=”center”}

HELLO is available in a C version and a C++ version and a FORTRAN77 version and a FORTRAN90 version and a Java version and a MATLAB version and a Python version and an R version.

HELLO_MPI, a C++ program which prints out “Hello, world!” using the MPI parallel programming environment.

HELLO_OPENMP, a C++ program which prints out “Hello, world!” using the OpenMP parallel programming environment.

Source Code: {#source-code align=”center”}

You can go up one level to the C++ source code page.

Last revised on 23 June 2010.