C++ version
  A program to solve for the steady state temperature distribution
  over a rectangular plate.

  Spatial grid of 100 by 500 points.

  The iteration will be repeated until the change is <= 0.01

  The steady state solution will be written to "sol_100x500.txt"
 Iteration  Change

         1  20.903
         2  7.83863
         4  3.5927
         8  1.87545
        16  0.93884
        32  0.467819
        64  0.23446
       128  0.117462
       256  0.058777
       512  0.0293952
      1024  0.0143026

      1353  0.00999608

  Error tolerance achieved.
  CPU time = 5.33717

  Solution written to the output file "sol_100x500.txt
  Normal end of execution.