Cumulative Density Functions {#cdflib-cumulative-density-functions align=”center”}
CDFLIB is a C++ library which evaluates cumulative probability
density functions.
CDFLIB includes routines for evaluating the cumulative density functions
of a variety of standard probability distributions. An unusual feature
of this library is its ability to easily compute any one parameter of
the CDF given the others. This means that a single routine can evaluate
the CDF given the usual parameters, or determine the value of a
parameter that produced a given CDF value.
The probability distributions covered include:
- the Beta distribution;
- the binomial distribution;
- the chi-square distribution;
- the noncentral chi-square distribution;
- the F distribution;
- the noncentral F distribution;
- the Gamma distribution;
- the negative binomial distribution;
- the normal distribution;
- the Poisson distribution;
- the T distribution;
Note that the F and noncentral F distributions are not necessarily
monotone in either degree of freedom argument. Consequently, there may
be two degree of freedom arguments that satisfy the specified condition.
An arbitrary one of these will be found by the routines.
The amount of computation required for the noncentral chisquare and
noncentral F distribution is proportional to the value of the
noncentrality parameter. Very large values of this parameter can require
immense numbers of computation. Consequently, when the noncentrality
parameter is to be calculated, the upper limit searched is 10,000.\
the NETLIB random number web site, distributes a TAR file of the source
code for the original CDFLIB library in C and FORTRAN;
is a site at the University of Texas Department of Biostatistics and
Applied Mathematics which makes available a more up-to-date FORTRAN90
version of the software, known as CDFLIB90.
Languages: {#languages align=”center”}
CDFLIB is available in a C version
and a C++ version and a FORTRAN90
ASA310, a C++ library which computes
the CDF of the noncentral Beta distribution.
BETA_NC, a C++ library which
evaluates the CDF of the noncentral Beta distribution.
GSL, a C++ library which contains routines
for evaluating, sampling and inverting various probability
NORMAL, a C++ library which contains
routines for sampling the normal distribution.
PROB, a C++ library which contains
routines for evaluating and inverting the normal CDF, and many other
library which contains routines that store selected values of the normal
CDF, and many other statistical distributions.
UNIFORM, a C++ library which
contains routines for sampling the uniform distribution.
Author: {#author align=”center”}
Barry Brown, James Lovato, Kathy Russell,\
Department of Biomathematics,\
University of Texas,\
Houston, Texas.
Reference: {#reference align=”center”}
- Milton Abramowitz, Irene Stegun,\
Handbook of Mathematical Functions,\
National Bureau of Standards, 1964,\
ISBN: 0-486-61272-4,\
LC: QA47.A34.
- Jacobus Bus, Jacob Dekker,\
Two Efficient Algorithms with Guaranteed Convergence for Finding a
Zero of a Function,\
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software,\
Volume 1, Number 4, December 1975, pages 330-345.
- William Cody,\
Algorithm 715: SPECFUN - A Portable FORTRAN Package of Special
Function Routines and Test Drivers,\
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software,\
Volume 19, Number 1, March 1993, pages 22-32.
- William Cody,\
Rational Chebyshev Approximations for the Error Function,\
Mathematics of Computation,\
Volume 23, Number 107, July 1969, pages 631-638.
- William Cody, Anthony Strecok, Henry Thacher,\
Chebyshev Approximations for the Psi Function,\
Mathematics of Computation,\
Volume 27, Number 121, January 1973, pages 123-127.
- Armido DiDinato, Alfred Morris,\
Algorithm 708: Significant Digit Computation of the Incomplete Beta
Function Ratios,\
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software,\
Volume 18, Number 3, September 1993, pages 360-373.
- Armido DiDinato, Alfred Morris,\
Computation of the Incomplete Gamma Function Ratios and their
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software,\
Volume 12, Number 4, December 1986, pages 377-393.
- Phyllis Fox, Andrew Hall, Norman Schryer,\
Algorithm 528: Framework for a Portable Library,\
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software,\
Volume 4, Number 2, June 1978, page 176-188.
- William Kennedy, James Gentle,\
Statistical Computing,\
Marcel Dekker, 1980,\
ISBN: 0824768981,\
LC: QA276.4 K46.
- Karl Pearson,\
Tables of the Incomplete Beta Function,\
Cambridge University Press, 1968,\
ISBN: 0521059224,\
LC: QA351.P38.
- Frank Powell,\
Statistical Tables for Sociology, Biology and Physical Sciences,\
Cambridge University Press, 1982,\
ISBN: 0521284732,\
LC: QA276.25.S73.
- Stephen Wolfram,\
The Mathematica Book,\
Fourth Edition,\
Cambridge University Press, 1999,\
ISBN: 0-521-64314-7,\
LC: QA76.95.W65.
- Daniel Zwillinger, editor,\
CRC Standard Mathematical Tables and Formulae,\
30th Edition,\
CRC Press, 1996,\
ISBN: 0-8493-2479-3.
-, the web site.
Source Code: {#source-code align=”center”}
Examples and Tests: {#examples-and-tests align=”center”}
List of Routines: {#list-of-routines align=”center”}
- ALGDIV computes ln ( Gamma ( B ) / Gamma ( A + B ) ) when 8
<= B.
- ALNREL evaluates the function ln ( 1 + A ).
- APSER computes the incomplete beta ratio I(SUB(1-X))(B,A).
- BCORR evaluates DEL(A0) + DEL(B0) - DEL(A0 + B0).
- BETA evaluates the beta function.
- BETA_ASYM computes an asymptotic expansion for IX(A,B), for
large A and B.
- BETA_FRAC evaluates a continued fraction expansion for IX(A,B).
- BETA_GRAT evaluates an asymptotic expansion for IX(A,B).
- BETA_INC evaluates the incomplete beta function IX(A,B).
- BETA_INC_VALUES returns some values of the incomplete Beta
- BETA_LOG evaluates the logarithm of the beta function.
- BETA_PSER uses a power series expansion to evaluate IX(A,B)(X).
- BETA_RCOMP evaluates X**A * Y**B / Beta(A,B).
- BETA_RCOMP1 evaluates exp(MU) * X**A * Y**B / Beta(A,B).
- BETA_UP evaluates IX(A,B) - IX(A+N,B) where N is a positive
- BINOMIAL_CDF_VALUES returns some values of the binomial CDF.
- CDFBET evaluates the CDF of the Beta Distribution.
- CDFBIN evaluates the CDF of the Binomial distribution.
- CDFCHI evaluates the CDF of the chi square distribution.
- CDFCHN evaluates the CDF of the Noncentral Chi-Square.
- CDFF evaluates the CDF of the F distribution.
- CDFFNC evaluates the CDF of the Noncentral F distribution.
- CDFGAM evaluates the CDF of the Gamma Distribution.
- CDFNBN evaluates the CDF of the Negative Binomial distribution
- CDFNOR evaluates the CDF of the Normal distribution.
- CDFPOI evaluates the CDF of the Poisson distribution.
- CDFT evaluates the CDF of the T distribution.
- CHI_NONCENTRAL_CDF_VALUES returns values of the noncentral
chi CDF.
- CHI_SQUARE_CDF_VALUES returns some values of the Chi-Square
- CUMBET evaluates the cumulative incomplete beta distribution.
- CUMBIN evaluates the cumulative binomial distribution.
- CUMCHI evaluates the cumulative chi-square distribution.
- CUMCHN evaluates the cumulative noncentral chi-square
- CUMF evaluates the cumulative F distribution.
- CUMFNC evaluates the cumulative noncentral F distribution.
- CUMGAM evaluates the cumulative incomplete gamma distribution.
- CUMNBN evaluates the cumulative negative binomial distribution.
- CUMNOR computes the cumulative normal distribution.
- CUMPOI evaluates the cumulative Poisson distribution.
- CUMT evaluates the cumulative T distribution.
- DBETRM computes the Sterling remainder for the complete beta
- DEXPM1 evaluates the function EXP(X) - 1.
- DINVNR computes the inverse of the normal distribution.
- DINVR bounds the zero of the function and invokes DZROR.
- DLANOR evaluates the logarithm of the asymptotic Normal CDF.
- DPMPAR provides machine constants for double precision
- DSTINV seeks a value X such that F(X) = Y.
- DSTREM computes the Sterling remainder ln ( Gamma ( Z ) ) -
Sterling ( Z ).
- DSTXR sets quantities needed by the zero finder.
- DT1 computes an approximate inverse of the cumulative T
- DZROR seeks the zero of a function using reverse communication.
- E0000 is a reverse-communication zero bounder.
- E00001 is a reverse-communication zero finder.
- ERF_VALUES returns some values of the ERF or “error” function.
- ERROR_F evaluates the error function ERF.
- ERROR_FC evaluates the complementary error function ERFC.
- ESUM evaluates exp ( MU + X ).
- EVAL_POL evaluates a polynomial at X.
- EXPARG returns the largest or smallest legal argument for EXP.
- F_CDF_VALUES returns some values of the F CDF test function.
- F_NONCENTRAL_CDF_VALUES returns some values of the F CDF test
- FIFDINT truncates a double number to an integer.
- FIFDMAX1 returns the maximum of two numbers a and b
- FIFDMIN1 returns the minimum of two numbers.
- FIFDSIGN transfers the sign of the variable “sign” to the
variable “mag”
- FIFIDINT truncates a double number to a long integer
- FIFMOD returns the modulo of a and b
- FPSER evaluates IX(A,B)(X) for very small B.
- FTNSTOP prints a message to standard error and then exits.
- GAM1 computes 1 / GAMMA(A+1) - 1 for -0.5D+00 <= A <= 1.5
- GAMMA_INC evaluates the incomplete gamma ratio functions P(A,X)
and Q(A,X).
- GAMMA_INC_INV computes the inverse incomplete gamma ratio
- GAMMA_INC_VALUES returns some values of the incomplete Gamma
- GAMMA_LN1 evaluates ln ( Gamma ( 1 + A ) ), for -0.2 <= A
<= 1.25.
- GAMMA_LOG evaluates ln ( Gamma ( A ) ) for positive A.
- GAMMA_RAT1 evaluates the incomplete gamma ratio functions
P(A,X) and Q(A,X).
- GAMMA_VALUES returns some values of the Gamma function.
- GAMMA_X evaluates the gamma function.
- GSUMLN evaluates the function ln(Gamma(A + B)).
- IPMPAR returns integer machine constants.
- NEGATIVE_BINOMIAL_CDF_VALUES returns values of the negative
binomial CDF.
- NORMAL_CDF_VALUES returns some values of the Normal CDF.
- POISSON_CDF_VALUES returns some values of the Poisson CDF.
- PSI evaluates the psi or digamma function, d/dx ln(gamma(x)).
- PSI_VALUES returns some values of the Psi or Digamma function.
- RCOMP evaluates exp(-X) * X**A / Gamma(A).
- REXP evaluates the function EXP(X) - 1.
- RLOG computes X - 1 - LN(X).
- RLOG1 evaluates the function X - ln ( 1 + X ).
- STUDENT_CDF_VALUES returns some values of the Student CDF.
- STVALN provides starting values for the inverse of the normal
- TIMESTAMP prints the current YMDHMS date as a time stamp.
You can go up one level to the C++ source codes.
Last revised on 17 November 2006.