26 June 2015 02:06:52 PM

  C++ version
  Test the C4LIB library.

  C4_ARG computes the argument of a C4.

            C1=random            ARG=C4_ARG(C1)

  (   0.44986,   -0.126667)   -0.274465
  ( -0.843197,    -0.34428)    -2.75395
  (  0.589627,     0.26009)    0.415436
  (   0.39114,      0.3234)    0.690879
  ( -0.139466,   -0.156136)    -2.29986
  ( -0.236066,   0.0774594)     2.82454
  ( 0.0185991,   -0.633214)    -1.54143
  (   0.89285,   0.0103136)   0.0115508
  ( -0.560465,    0.763795)     2.20384
  (  0.306357,   0.0262752)   0.0855574

  C4_CUBE_ROOT computes the principal cube root of a C4.

            C1=random            C2=C4_CUBE_ROOT(C1)         C3=C2*C2*C2

  (   0.44986,   -0.126667)  (   0.77279,  -0.0708992)  (   0.44986,   -0.126667)
  ( -0.843197,    -0.34428)  (  0.588792,   -0.770012)  ( -0.843197,    -0.34428)
  (  0.589627,     0.26009)  (  0.855495,    0.119231)  (  0.589627,     0.26009)
  (   0.39114,      0.3234)  (  0.776602,    0.182076)  (   0.39114,      0.3234)
  ( -0.139466,   -0.156136)  (  0.427677,   -0.411909)  ( -0.139466,   -0.156136)
  ( -0.236066,   0.0774594)  (  0.370005,    0.508236)  ( -0.236066,   0.0774594)
  ( 0.0185991,   -0.633214)  (  0.747945,    -0.42212)  ( 0.0185991,   -0.633214)
  (   0.89285,   0.0103136)  (   0.96294,   0.0037076)  (   0.89285,   0.0103136)
  ( -0.560465,    0.763795)  (  0.728835,    0.658328)  ( -0.560465,    0.763795)
  (  0.306357,   0.0262752)  (  0.674678,   0.0192464)  (  0.306357,   0.0262752)

  C4_MAG computes the magnitude of a C4.

            C1=random            MAG=C4_MAG(C1)

  (   0.44986,   -0.126667)    0.467352
  ( -0.843197,    -0.34428)    0.910774
  (  0.589627,     0.26009)    0.644443
  (   0.39114,      0.3234)    0.507521
  ( -0.139466,   -0.156136)    0.209354
  ( -0.236066,   0.0774594)     0.24845
  ( 0.0185991,   -0.633214)    0.633487
  (   0.89285,   0.0103136)    0.892909
  ( -0.560465,    0.763795)    0.947367
  (  0.306357,   0.0262752)    0.307481

  C4_NORMAL_01 generates unit pseudonormal
    complex values.
  Using initial random number seed = 123456789

     1.67904   -0.472768
    -0.56606   -0.231124
     1.21293    0.535037
     1.26938     1.04954
    -1.66609    -1.86523
    -2.24246    0.735809
   0.0396751    -1.35074
    0.673068  0.00777484
   -0.275127     0.37494
       2.164      0.1856
    0.297785   -0.463758
     2.04454    0.096577
     1.39882   -0.857394
    -1.24299     1.67452
  -0.0670837    0.620783
   -0.794396   -0.324163
   -0.523769    0.156483
   -0.350567   -0.247757
      0.1317    -1.82076
     0.53738     1.24857

  C4_SQRT computes the principal square root of a C4.

            C1=random            C2=C4_SQRT(C1)              C3=C2*C2

  (   0.44986,   -0.126667)  (  0.677205,  -0.0935223)  (   0.44986,   -0.126667)
  ( -0.843197,    -0.34428)  (  0.183817,   -0.936475)  ( -0.843197,    -0.34428)
  (  0.589627,     0.26009)  (  0.785516,    0.165554)  (  0.589627,     0.26009)
  (   0.39114,      0.3234)  (  0.670321,    0.241228)  (   0.39114,      0.3234)
  ( -0.139466,   -0.156136)  (  0.186933,   -0.417624)  ( -0.139466,   -0.156136)
  ( -0.236066,   0.0774594)  ( 0.0786874,    0.492197)  ( -0.236066,   0.0774594)
  ( 0.0185991,   -0.633214)  (  0.571002,   -0.554476)  (  0.018599,   -0.633214)
  (   0.89285,   0.0103136)  (  0.944923,  0.00545738)  (   0.89285,   0.0103136)
  ( -0.560465,    0.763795)  (  0.439831,    0.868283)  ( -0.560465,    0.763795)
  (  0.306357,   0.0262752)  (  0.554003,    0.023714)  (  0.306357,   0.0262752)

  C4MAT_UNIFORM_01_NEW computes a random complex matrix.

  The matrix:

  Col:               1                   2                   3                   4     
    1:   0.44986  -0.126667  -0.236066  0.0774594  0.500804  -0.779931  -0.770245  -0.314307
    2:  -0.843197  -0.34428  0.0185991  -0.633214  0.350471  0.0165551  -0.889181  0.265655
    3:  0.589627   0.26009   0.89285  0.0103136  0.434989  -0.266623  -0.779871  -0.55116
    4:   0.39114    0.3234  -0.560465  0.763795  -0.200947  0.270711  0.0313601  -0.433556
    5:  -0.139466  -0.156136  0.306357  0.0262752  -0.0974599  0.901881  0.249089  0.578743

  C4VEC_INDICATOR_NEW sets A = (1-1i,2-2i,...,N-Ni)

  The indicator vector:

         0: 1  -1
         1: 2  -2
         2: 3  -3
         3: 4  -4
         4: 5  -5
         5: 6  -6
         6: 7  -7
         7: 8  -8
         8: 9  -9
         9: 10  -10

  Normal end of execution.

26 June 2015 02:06:52 PM