ANN_TO_FIG\ ANN Search Tree Visualization {#ann_to_fig-ann-search-tree-visualization align=”center”} =============================
ANN_TO_FIG is a C++ program which displays an image of the search tree used by the ANN program.
ANN_TO_FIG expects as input a dump file created by the ANN_TEST program. It creates a file in the FIG format, which can be displayed by the XFIG program, or converted to other formats using the FIG2DEV program.
ann_to_fig -upiscale -xxoffset -yyoffset -szsize -dxdimx -dxdimy -sldim AND value -pspointsize file
reads the ANN_TEST dump file file.dmp and creates the FIG format file file.fig.
ANN_TO_FIG is available in a C++ version.
ANN, a C++ library which rapidly approximates the nearest neighbor of a point.
ANN_TEST, a C++ program which uses the ANN library, and carries out approximate nearest neighbor computations.
FIG, a data directory which contains examples and a description of the FIG format.
David Mount, Sunil Arya.
test3.fig, the FIG file of the search tree, created by the command
ann_to_fig test3
test3.png, a PNG image of the FIG file, created by the command
fig2dev -L png test3.fig > test3.png
You can go up one level to the C++ source codes.
Last revised on 15 May 2006.