------------------------------------------------------------ ann_test: Version 1.0 Copyright: David M. Mount and Sunil Arya. Latest Revision: Mar 1, 2005. ------------------------------------------------------------ validate = on (Warning: this may slow execution time.) stats = query_stats [Read Data Points: data_size = 20 file_name = test1_data.pts dim = 2 ] [Read Query Points: query_size = 10 file_name = test1_query.pts dim = 2 ] [Build ann-structure: split_rule = suggest shrink_rule = none data_size = 20 dim = 2 bucket_size = 1 process_time = 0 sec (Structure Statistics: n_nodes = 39 (opt = 40, best if < 400) n_leaves = 20 (0 contain no points) n_splits = 19 n_shrinks = 0 empty_leaves = 0 percent (best if < 50 percent) depth = 6 (opt = 4, best if < 17) avg_aspect_ratio = 1.48847 (best if < 20) ) ] (Tree has been dumped to file test3.dmp) (Computing true nearest neighbors for validation. This may take time.) [Run Queries: query_size = 10 dim = 2 search_method = standard epsilon = 0 near_neigh = 3 true_nn = 13 query_time = 0 sec/query (Performance statistics unavailable.) ] [Run Queries: query_size = 10 dim = 2 search_method = priority epsilon = 0 near_neigh = 3 true_nn = 13 query_time = 0 sec/query (Performance statistics unavailable.) ]