Generate Anagrams {#anagram-generate-anagrams align=”center”}
ANAGRAM is a C++ program which takes a string of letters and tries
to produce as many anagrams as possible, by James Cherry.
Usage: {#usage align=”center”}
anagram letters [numbers] [suggested words]
- letters, a string of lower case letters, with no spaces, to be
- [numbers], the optional numbers fields force the program to
look for anagrams that contain words of each length. Up to ten word
lengths may be specified. This is useful when you have a very large
number of letters (e.g., more than 20) that you wish to permute, and
you wish for the program to skip over all the anagrams containing
only short (three and four letter) words. For example, when you are
looking for anagrams of 30 letters, you might include the lengths “8
8 8” to force three of the words to be eight letters long each.
- [suggested words], the optional suggested words fields are
taken one at a time, and they consist of lower case letters (a-z)
only too; each set of these letters is removed from the original
letters, and anagrams of the remaining letters are found. This can
be useful when you wish to find anagrams involving particular words
or a proper name.
If no command line arguments are specified, you are prompted for the
arguments; after the program has found all anagrams, it returns you to
the prompt.
Usage Examples: {#usage-examples align=”center”}
- anagram jamescherry\
finds all anagrams of “jamescherry”.
- anagram jamescherry 5\
forces at least one of the words to be 5 letters long.
- anagram jamescherry 6 5\
forces one word to be 6 letters long and the other to be 5 long.
- anagram jamescherry charm\
finds all anagrams where “charm” is one of the words.
- anagram\
enters interactive mode; then typing “jamescherry” at the prompt is
the same as example 1, above. Likewise “jamescherry 5” at the prompt
is the same as example 2.
Languages: {#languages align=”center”}
ANAGRAM is available in a C++
PUZZLES, FORTRAN90 programs which
were used to solve various puzzles.
program which finds words which are anagrams formed from some of the
letters of a given master word.
WORDS, a dataset directory which
contains lists of words;
which rearranges a list of words so that they have maximum overlap;
Author: {#author align=”center”}
James Cherry.
Source Code: {#source-code align=”center”}
Examples and Tests: {#examples-and-tests align=”center”}
List of Routines: {#list-of-routines align=”center”}
- ANAGRAM finds anagrams of a given set of letters.
- GET_ARGS prompts for the arguments if they weren’t on the
command line.
- INITIALIZE initializes certain data.
- PARSE_ARGS parses the command line arguments.
- READ_DICT reads the word list from the dictionary file.
- TIMESTAMP prints the current YMDHMS date as a time stamp.
You can go up one level to the C++ source codes.
Last revised on 24 August 2009.